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Fire Damage + Speed


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I wonder if PED damage overhaul might can help with it? Do you need it specifically for the fire bottle? I know PED Damage overhaul has some fire options. I have the ini pulled up >

;FireSurvivalChance is the percentage chance of an NPC surviving a fire if burning (values: integers between 0 and 100)
FireSurvivalChance = 35

;FireHealth is the health value an NPC gets when it is burning, if it is NOT supposed to survive the fire (if this value is set too high, the NPC might still survive the fire)
FireHealth = 320


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Yeah I've used PDO quite a bit actually. It's this mod that makes me want to change the way fire works. But rather by editing game files and not through a script. I could just use PDO or single out the fire part by making it into my own script for myself, but there are issues that come with it. For one, various ways that you kill people in PDO do not give you honor loss because it is being taken over by the script. 

I'm guessing since no one has made such a mod and I can't find anything on it that it is hardcoded or undiscovered in the game files still. 

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Oh wow, I hadn't noticed the honor loss thing, but I for sure will now lol.

I feel like you're right because PDO would of probably included fire damage and rate of damage more than likely. They have a good many options. Spine shot paralyze, why not. 

Well, maybe someone will come along and find it. Hopefully it isn't hardcoded. You think they would hardcode it just so people didn't mod it and create gruesome deaths or something? 


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Hey I found something that seems like it relates to all the stats for a molotov. In weapons file in weapons folder of RDRoffline. Seems like you can modify a great deal of stuff. 

<Item type="CAmmoThrownInfo">
          <Properties />
          <Model />
          <SwapClipSetHash />
          <GripClipSetHash />
          <GripClipHash />
          <Slot />
          <AmmoFlags>Fuse FixedAfterExplosion 0x43D91F2A</AmmoFlags>
          <WeaponType />
          <NmTuningSet />
          <ImpulseMultiplier value="1.00000000" />
          <SkinPenetration value="0.00000000" />
          <BleedOutTimeMultiplier value="1.00000000" />
          <DeadeyeDrainModifier value="0.00000000" />
          <UNK_MEMBER_0x08FAE4B6 value="20.00000000" />
          <NumDamageRegionsThatCanBeBypassed value="0" />
          <DismembermentRanges />
          <NumPedImpacts value="1" />
          <BulletsInBatch value="1" />
            <VfxAmmoBloodInfoHashName />
            <VfxAmmoWeaponImpactInfoHashName />
            <VfxAmmoTracerInfoHashName />
            <VfxAmmoMuzzleFlashInfoHashName />
            <VfxAmmoShellInfoHashName />
          <SkinPenetrationForAttaching value="0.00000000" />
          <ObjectPenetrationForAttachment value="0.00000000" />
          <LifeTime value="-1.00000000" />
          <UNK_MEMBER_0xE4758E97 value="0.00000000" />
          <FromVehicleLifeTime value="-1.00000000" />
          <UNK_MEMBER_0x32E3F7FF value="0.00000000" />
          <LifeTimeAfterBounceOffCloseRange value="-1.00000000" />
          <LifeTimeAfterBounceOffFarRange value="-1.00000000" />
          <LifeTimeAfterFiring value="-1.00000000" />
          <MinLifeTimeAfterPlacement value="0.00000000" />
          <LaunchSpeed value="25.00000000" />
          <SeparationTime value="0.00000000" />
          <TimeToReachTarget value="2.00000000" />
          <Damping value="0.00000000" />
          <GravityFactor value="1.00000000" />
          <RicochetTolerance value="0.00000000" />
          <PedRicochetTolerance value="0.00000000" />
          <VehicleRicochetTolerance value="0.00000000" />
          <FrictionMultiplier value="1.00000000" />
          <UNK_MEMBER_0x179F6672 value="0.10000000" />
          <UNK_MEMBER_0x1A14D03A value="10.00000000" />
          <UNK_MEMBER_0x588528C9 value="30.00000000" />
          <PickupHash />
          <MPPickupHash />
            <VfxProjectileGroundDisturbInfoHashName />
          <LightOnlyActiveWhenStuck value="false" />
          <LightFlickers value="true" />
          <LightSpeedsUp value="false" />
          <LightColour x="1.00000000" y="0.41500000" z="0.02300000" />
          <LightIntensity value="7.00000000" />
          <LightRange value="0.50000000" />
          <LightFalloffExp value="12.00000000" />
          <LightFrequency value="0.00000000" />
          <LightPower value="10.00000000" />
          <CoronaSize value="0.00000000" />
          <CoronaIntensity value="0.00000000" />
          <CoronaZBias value="0.00000000" />
          <FlightBoneXAxis x="0.00000000" y="1.00000000" z="0.00000000" />
          <FlightBoneYAxis x="-1.00000000" y="0.00000000" z="0.00000000" />
          <FlightBonePositionOffset x="0.00000000" y="0.00000000" z="0.00000000" />
          <SpinAngularVelocity value="-300.00000000" />
          <UNK_MEMBER_0x31C9C83E x="0.00000000" y="0.00000000" z="0.00000000" />
          <StickRotation value="0.00000000" />
          <UNK_MEMBER_0x97735FE5 value="false" />
          <ProjectileFlags>ProcessImpacts NoPullPin CanBeDestroyedByDamage 0xAC61E9E6 0xEEE9D8EA 0x12CB0C4E</ProjectileFlags>
            <EnableSeekingHorsebackMP value="false" />
            <EnableSeekingOnFootMP value="false" />
            <EnableSeekingHorsebackSP value="true" />
            <EnableSeekingOnFootSP value="true" />
            <MaxSeekingAngleDeltaMP value="30.00000000" />
            <MaxSeekingSpeedDeltaMP value="10.00000000" />
            <MaxSeekingLifeTimeAngleDeltaMP value="60.00000000" />
            <MaxSeekingAngleDeltaSP value="120.00000000" />
            <MaxSeekingSpeedDeltaSP value="10.00000000" />
            <MaxSeekingLifeTimeAngleDeltaSP value="200.00000000" />
            <SeekTargetNearInterpDistance value="0.00000000" />
            <SeekTargetFarInterpDistance value="40.00000000" />
            <SeekTargetTransverseNearInterpSpeedMP value="15.00000000" />
            <SeekTargetTransverseFarInterpSpeedMP value="7.00000000" />
            <SeekTargetLongitudinalNearInterpSpeedMP value="25.00000000" />
            <SeekTargetLongitudinalFarInterpSpeedMP value="15.00000000" />
            <SeekTargetTransverseNearInterpSpeedSP value="15.00000000" />
            <SeekTargetTransverseFarInterpSpeedSP value="7.00000000" />
            <SeekTargetLongitudinalNearInterpSpeedSP value="25.00000000" />
            <SeekTargetLongitudinalFarInterpSpeedSP value="15.00000000" />
            <MinTemporaryStickingTime value="0.00000000" />
            <MaxTemporaryStickingTime value="1.00000000" />
            <DefaultFriction value="0.87500000" />
            <FrictionAfterNonGroundHit value="0.87500000" />
            <FrictionAfterGroundHitParallel value="3.00000000" />
            <FrictionAfterGroundHitPerpendicular value="3.00000000" />
            <ElasticityAfterNonGroundHit value="0.20000000" />
            <ElasticityAfterGroundHitParallel value="0.20000000" />
            <ElasticityAfterGroundHitPerpendicular value="0.20000000" />
            <MaxGroundBounceOffSpeed value="2.00000000" />
            <MaxWallBounceOffSpeed value="2.00000000" />
          <UntriggeredProximityLightColour x="0.00000000" y="0.00000000" z="0.00000000" />
          <VertData />
          <RangeMultiplier value="1.00000000" />
          <UNK_MEMBER_0x4E898026 />
          <ThrownForce value="0.00000000" />
          <ThrownForceFromVehicle value="5.00000000" />

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Nah, there are some weird things that are hardcoded that modders can't change. Fire just may be one of them. 

It's funny, I've changed most values you can change under Molotov in weapons.ymt, also within the explosion.ymt file, also within the pedhealth.meta file for fire vulnerability, and nothing has worked. BUT, I have not tried modifying bleedouttimemultiplier. It didn't occur to me that it could just be working like a bleed. Thanks for that, I'm going to look into it.

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That's what I figured. Not sure though. I might mess with it myself lol. I do know 1899 firearms and RDRoffline both have different values.

 <BleedOutTimeMultiplier value="0.0033" /> (1899 Firearms)

 <BleedOutTimeMultiplier value="1.00000000" /> (RDRoffline)


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In PDO I set >


;FireSurvivalChance is the percentage chance of an NPC surviving a fire if burning (values: integers between 0 and 100)
FireSurvivalChance = 100


;FireHealth is the health value an NPC gets when it is burning, if it is NOT supposed to survive the fire (if this value is set too high, the NPC might still survive the fire)
FireHealth = 750


They survived the fire. Just laid there charred. Also burned for a long time as well.  

1.) Can't set back on fire to finish off. PED was left with 19 health even after 5 fire bottles were thrown. 

How about if you can get the fire from the fire bottle to burn longer. Longer fire time basically, nothing to do with damage. Has to be a rate because the fire starts and obviously has a stop value if it can be found. I don't see why it wouldn't be, every other damage seems accessible. 

To be honest, this was pretty satisfying though, semi realistic ya know? What exactly are you trying to achieve?  


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I could finish them off with other weapon though. I just used pistol to kill them. Worked fine. I'm wondering though, he was just laying there charred, what if  >

;AlwaysKillWounded makes the toggle-able option via KillWoundedToggleKey set to be always on - will override whatever is toggled
AlwaysKillWounded = 0

was set to 1? I know it's basically the option to kill everyone who is in a downed bleeding state, it even has a hotkey that you can press and I guess it kills everyone off, but

I'm wondering in conjunction with >

Fire Health =750
Survival Chance =100
AlwaysKillWounded = 1

I wonder how long AlwaysKillWounded would take to kill downed peds if toggled to always on, rather than pressing a hotkey? 


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