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Open Source RDR2 Native Menu Base


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I made an open source RDR2 Native Menu Base that uses in-game sprites to make menus just like how they are in-game

You can find the GitHub repository here: https://github.com/Halen84/RDR2-Native-Menu-Base
Hopefully you guys wont make fun of my bad programming too much, as I'm fairly new to C++ lol.

If you have any questions, ask me and I'll answer them to the best of my ability.

Note: These pictures are slightly outdated, but they still hold up.




Update November 10, 2021:

I have rewritten the core functionality of basically the entire thing, so if you are using this, please please please use the new version. The old version was terrible to work with and I am sorry, but hopefully with this rewrite it should be a lot easier.

Update Feburary 12, 2022:
Another overhaul and rewrite.



Red Dead Redemption 2 Screenshot 2021.09.06 -

Red Dead Redemption 2 Screenshot 2021.09.06 -

Red Dead Redemption 2 Screenshot 2021.09.06 -

Edited by TuffyTown
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Update November 10, 2021:

I have rewritten the core functionality of basically the entire thing, so if you are using this, please please please use the new version. The old version was terrible to work with and I am sorry, but hopefully with this rewrite it should be a lot easier. I tested a lot of things so hopefully there should be less bugs.

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  • TuffyTown changed the title to Open Source RDR2 Native Menu Base

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