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How to assign Menu Prompt to Object in Rage Plugin?


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Hi all,


I'm trying to create and assign a menu prompt to a Object in a Rage plugin using the following code:


  ulong menuprompt = Game.CallNative<ulong>(0x04F97DE45A519419); //Register Prompt
            Game.CallNative(0x5DD02A8318420DD7, menuprompt, "TEST MENU"); //Set Text
            Game.CallNative(0xB5352B7494A08258, menuprompt, Game.GetHashKey("INPUT_FRONTEND_LS")); //Set Control Action
            Game.CallNative(0xEA5CCF4EEB2F82D1, menuprompt); //Set Hold Indefintely mode
            Game.CallNative(0x2F11D3A254169EA4, menuprompt, 806749976, 0); //Assign Prompt to Entity Group
            Game.CallNative(0x315C81D760609108, menuprompt, 806749976); //Assign Prompt to Ambient Entity Group
            Game.CallNative(0xF7AA2696A22AD8B9, menuprompt); //Prompt Register End
            Game.CallNative(0x8A0FB4D03A630D21, menuprompt, true); //Set Enabled
            Game.CallNative(0x71215ACCFDE075EE, menuprompt, true); //Set Visible


Group ID =  806749976. I'm not having any luck at this point. Any ideas?

Edited by KMM
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