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Horses and OpenIV question


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Straight to the point: where can I find the a_c_horse_gypsycob_splashedpiebald.ymt in OpenIV? Downloaded that today and I found multiple metapeds.rpf that have horses in it, one only has storymode horses and the other has some MP horses like the kladrubers and criollos, but not the gypsys, it's still lacking a bunch of MP horses.


Reason for this is that I want to do what the Online Horses and coats mod over on nexus does, and replace some of the ymt files to get the horse that I want. Right now I have replaced the Dark Bay Turkoman with the Raven Black Shire, so when I spawn in the Turk with a trainer it shows up as the Shire but with the Turk's stats... but in a perfect world I want the Splashed Piebald Gypsy instead of the Raven Black Shire for Arthur, but I need the ymt file for that and I haven't been able to find it.


Can someone please tell me where to find the file? The Online Horse mod has some of the gypsys but not the splashed piebald gypsy.

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On 6/22/2021 at 10:53 PM, Rhonu said:

Straight to the point: where can I find the a_c_horse_gypsycob_splashedpiebald.ymt in OpenIV? Downloaded that today and I found multiple metapeds.rpf that have horses in it, one only has storymode horses and the other has some MP horses like the kladrubers and criollos, but not the gypsys, it's still lacking a bunch of MP horses.


Reason for this is that I want to do what the Online Horses and coats mod over on nexus does, and replace some of the ymt files to get the horse that I want. Right now I have replaced the Dark Bay Turkoman with the Raven Black Shire, so when I spawn in the Turk with a trainer it shows up as the Shire but with the Turk's stats... but in a perfect world I want the Splashed Piebald Gypsy instead of the Raven Black Shire for Arthur, but I need the ymt file for that and I haven't been able to find it.


Can someone please tell me where to find the file? The Online Horse mod has some of the gypsys but not the splashed piebald gypsy.


The hash for the filename might not be known. Check the RPFs where the YMT files are for files without a name and see if they match your expected name hashed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/22/2021 at 10:53 PM, Rhonu said:

Straight to the point: where can I find the a_c_horse_gypsycob_splashedpiebald.ymt in OpenIV? Downloaded that today and I found multiple metapeds.rpf that have horses in it, one only has storymode horses and the other has some MP horses like the kladrubers and criollos, but not the gypsys, it's still lacking a bunch of MP horses.


Reason for this is that I want to do what the Online Horses and coats mod over on nexus does, and replace some of the ymt files to get the horse that I want. Right now I have replaced the Dark Bay Turkoman with the Raven Black Shire, so when I spawn in the Turk with a trainer it shows up as the Shire but with the Turk's stats... but in a perfect world I want the Splashed Piebald Gypsy instead of the Raven Black Shire for Arthur, but I need the ymt file for that and I haven't been able to find it.


Can someone please tell me where to find the file? The Online Horse mod has some of the gypsys but not the splashed piebald gypsy.


Have you figured it out by now? If not, I can show you, how to get the file.

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22 hours ago, sirius32 said:


Have you figured it out by now? If not, I can show you, how to get the file.


I haven't found it yet, no. If you can show me where it's located, I'd really appreciate it.

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  • 1 month later...
On 7/9/2021 at 1:05 PM, sirius32 said:


I'll send you a PM.

Hi, I'm trying to find the textures of these horses, MP, SP, doesn't matter. I want to edit my own textures and put them in game. Could you tell me where the .ytd files are for the horses? Thanks!

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