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The John Marston Restoration Project


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After many years of people's requests and petitions, its finally here. A small mod that begun as a model swapping test for Lambda's new file streaming method, became an ambitious project to fully restore John Marston back to his prime.


This mod restores John Marston's beta assets, such as his beta head models, clothes, hair and more.


Some of the features included are:














ALL of the assets above are included as Add On clothes, they don't replace any asset ingame. To buy them, you need to go to the fence, as seen here:




Unique hairstyles for John were also added, with the correct dark brown hair color and without affecting Arthur Morgan's hair.








Btw, John's classic right parted hair does not clip through the hat.


John's npc pants were also included:






There are many more features in the mod but then it is too much for this post!




Requires the latest build of Lenny's Mod Loader.




To install the mod, simply put the folder "LML" in your Red Dead Redemption 2 directory.









Made by AfroBandit, GuiCORLEONEx794 and Eki.






Edited by GuiCORLEONE
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Ain’t never gonna make the hair files separate like ydd models since that way it will affect Arthur.

What about making several files, one that has no modifications done to the hairstyles and only includes the vanilla styles with the dark brown color, one with only the right parted level 7 style replaced, one with only the right parted level 6 and right parted fade level 4 replaced, etc?

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That would be a mess, and a lot of people already have some hard time installing the files. I also want to make the mod one big file instead of a bunch of separate folders like it was before, to make it easier for people to install it. I'm happy with John having the dark brown hair color and his original hairstyles, i don't really want to change it back, its good to have his own hairstyle.

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Happy with the outcome of the project, it was my favorite mod when it released and being able to work on it a bit has been a blast.

It's definitely a must-have for any JM fans out there

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7 hours ago, GuiCORLEONE said:

That would be a mess, and a lot of people already have some hard time installing the files. I also want to make the mod one big file instead of a bunch of separate folders like it was before, to make it easier for people to install it. I'm happy with John having the dark brown hair color and his original hairstyles, i don't really want to change it back, its good to have his own hairstyle.

It's just that I'm not a fan of right parted 6 at all. It doesn't fit John's head model very well and it just makes his hair look like it was frozen while being blow dried. I wouldn't have a problem with it if it were part of another hairstyle, but you literally have to go through it if you want to have John's original hair, and it just looks very out of place. 

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So I've noticed that epilogue John's face texture with his vanilla hairline is lower-res than his npc texture. That might be a big part of why his facial hair looks too light. Is there a way to integrate that higher-res texture?



And I'm using the vanilla hairline because I think that hairstyle is a better match for his RDR1 look than the longer npc hair.

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4 hours ago, Jax765 said:

So I've noticed that epilogue John's face texture with his vanilla hairline is lower-res than his npc texture. That might be a big part of why his facial hair looks too light.

I don't think that's the reason, but it certainly needs to be fixed. 

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15 hours ago, Jax765 said:

So I've noticed that epilogue John's face texture with his vanilla hairline is lower-res than his npc texture. That might be a big part of why his facial hair looks too light. Is there a way to integrate that higher-res texture?



And I'm using the vanilla hairline because I think that hairstyle is a better match for his RDR1 look than the longer npc hair.

Yep blame Rockstar for that. They bleached the mustache of the vanilla face texture and probably lowered the quality for all we know. 

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15 hours ago, Jax765 said:

So I've noticed that epilogue John's face texture with his vanilla hairline is lower-res than his npc texture. That might be a big part of why his facial hair looks too light. Is there a way to integrate that higher-res texture?



And I'm using the vanilla hairline because I think that hairstyle is a better match for his RDR1 look than the longer npc hair.

Yeah the npc facial texture is 2048x2048 while the player three texture is 1024x1024. You can see the npc hd texture in HD_0.rpf.

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15 hours ago, Creepergeco said:

I'm returning from a bit of a hiatus, have we stopped posting on the John's hair topic?

I rather use this thread because not only is a RDR2 related website and the admins here - people like LMS -  are really nice people

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23 minutes ago, Darealbandicoot said:

Yep blame Rockstar for that. They bleached the mustache of the vanilla face texture and probably lowered the quality for all we know. 

How is it Rockstar's fault? He's comparing the NPC texture with the mod's texture, nothing to do with the vanilla epilogue texture.

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16 hours ago, Jax765 said:

Итак, я заметил, что текстура лица Джона в эпилоге с его ванильной линией волос имеет более низкое разрешение, чем его текстура npc. Возможно, это большая часть того, почему его волосы на лице выглядят слишком светлыми. Есть ли интегрировать этот текстуру с более высоким разрешением?



Эта прическа лучше подходит для его образа RDR1, чем более длинные волосы NPC.



Where does the longer NPC hair not fit John for his Part 1 look? if he has long hair in 1 part. in 2 parts of the rdr he has a couple of centimeters longer hair and they are not tucked back as in 1 part



Edited by vasiliy32
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14 minutes ago, vasiliy32 said:



Where does the longer NPC hair not fit John for his Part 1 look? if he has long hair in 1 part. in 2 parts of the rdr he has a couple of centimeters longer hair and they are not tucked back as in 1 part



I understand what he means, i guess its because his npc hair is much monger and wavy than his rdr1 hair, and i gotta admit the fade right parted hairstyles kinda fit John if you are wearing a hat.

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Только что GuiCORLEONE сказал:

NPC намного более пышные и волнистые, чем его волосы rdr1. .

John has wavy ends in 2 parts + hair not tucked in, so it seems that they are more magnificent than they actually are, and of course a little longer

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1 minute ago, Darealbandicoot said:

Ah I misunderstood due to the wording. Photos weren't loading either. 


Welp you ain't wrong tho, they did indeed lower the quality of John's player face texture, even John's beta face texture is still half the quality of the npc face texture.


The npc face texture is 2048x2048 while the player face texture is 1024x1024

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3 hours ago, GuiCORLEONE said:


Welp you ain't wrong tho, they did indeed lower the quality of John's player face texture, even John's beta face texture is still half the quality of the npc face texture.


The npc face texture is 2048x2048 while the player face texture is 1024x1024

Do you know what the resolution for Arthur's face texture is?

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