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I’m experiencing fps drops when I add the asi loader (dinput8.dll) into my game directory. The drops are normally around 5 to 15 frames. I’ve tried capping the frames from everything from 30 fps to 144 fps, same issue. It seems to be most prevalent while on horseback and riding fast. The drops are the same no matter the graphic settings, and without the asi loader I get a solid 80 to 100 fps at 2K everything ultra. I’ve tried everything and I’m compleatly out of ideas. Any help would be amazing.

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  • 4 months later...

which ASI in particular?

What happens generally is that too much work is being done in the main-thread, and as I can see a lot of developers don't properly manage threading.

The reason is that you must invoke natives in the main thread, but it may have other stuff on the main-thread blocking the frame.


Every tick is a frame.

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  • 2 months later...
On 10/10/2021 at 4:03 PM, Droppy said:

What happens generally is that too much work is being done in the main-thread, and as I can see a lot of developers don't properly manage threading.



How does one manage threading properly? I am having this exact issue, too much stuff happening in the main thread, I would like to branch it / multithread it, but don't know how



My Fallout 4 and Skyrim mods: SAC - LoversLab


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1 hour ago, SAC said:


How does one manage threading properly? I am having this exact issue, too much stuff happening in the main thread, I would like to branch it / multithread it, but don't know how



You cannot multithread your mod (at least not the portion that uses scripting functions) as the game engine will tick one script after another anyway. If your logic takes too long sometimes, consider distributing the work over multiple ticks.

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