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No Hitmarker Mod 1.0.0

Shoot bad guys without the intrusive hitmarker!
   (2 reviews)

2 Screenshots

Since it seems that a lot of people still want this and no one bothers to make it, here is a simple mod which removes the hitmarker when shooting. Drag the file into your game folder and enjoy. Please note that you need to have an ASI loader for this mod to work.


I have not tested this mod much (< 5 minutes), so if something else breaks, please let me know.


Disable any reticle color change

In the .ini you can set "DisableReticleChanges" to true to disable any reticle color changes.



Please don't upload or redistribute this mod, link here instead so that everyone has the most up to date version.

  • Like 10
  • Thanks 4

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    You are the best man! I was hoping someone would make this mod for so long now. Thank you so much!

    • Like 1

    Posted (edited)

    Thanks alot!

    Edited by DepArshia
    • Like 1


    I fucking love you. Thank you for making this.



    Thanks! This with less npc accuracy from PDO makes the shootings very cinematic! Do you think you could make a mod to disable the bullet traces? Thanks in advance man



    What this mod do? i'm not understand



      On 6/23/2020 at 11:11 AM, Mark214 said:

    What this mod do? i'm not understand



    It removes the "X" you see when you hit someone whilst shooting.


    Posted (edited)

    Thank you 

    Edited by Mark214

    Posted (edited)

      On 6/23/2020 at 4:24 PM, Mark214 said:




    Edited by Mark214


    Great mod as always, thank you!!! I saw that you started lately to create mods that delete different "annoying" things such as the X and the bullet trails. Have you thought or is it possible to create a mod in which there is no action prompt in the bottom right corner when interacting with the world? I would really love to play the game with no HUD at all for full immersion, now that I know how all the mechanics work and which buttons to press. 



      On 6/26/2020 at 4:25 PM, Bofamilies said:

    Great mod as always, thank you!!! I saw that you started lately to create mods that delete different "annoying" things such as the X and the bullet trails. Have you thought or is it possible to create a mod in which there is no action prompt in the bottom right corner when interacting with the world? I would really love to play the game with no HUD at all for full immersion, now that I know how all the mechanics work and which buttons to press. 



    I can have a look, disabling HUD elements should be quite straightforward.

    • Thanks 2


    Yup really quality mod, was the first thing I went looking for lol.


    And agreed on the prompts in the bottom right corner, they seem to be essential to a lot of game interactions, but knowing the exact quality of the pelt and exact animal breed when you aim at them is just too much, and it also just identifies that you are looking at something at all. Which gives away hidden animals very easily.


    Maybe the range on it could be severely reduced, or the UI element removed specifically when aiming at things, or the UI text/picture itself being replaced with an empty picture etc.


    Not sure, but good to hear you were looking into it already.


    Posted (edited)

    Please can you make a version to delete only the white (unlethal) hitmarkers and keep the red (lethal) ones? 


    Edited by AFTER


    I don't know if it's only for me but this mod let's my Game Crash. So when I put the File in my Game Folder my Game crashes 10-20 Seconds after I get into the Story Mode. I deleted the Files and my game works properly again.


    do you have some advice on that one?



    Don't mean to be a pain because I really appreciate this mod. But would it be possible to have this the way it is but release a version that still enables the Red Hitmarker for confirmed Kills? I love that the Grey Hitmarkers have been removed and we can fully enjoy the gore & Physics but also having the option to know when you've killed your enemy would be great. Thanks man! 


    Posted (edited)

    pleas i need this mod can someone tell me how install i have don everythink but dosnt work pleas someone answer i will be very happy just show me by video how use it ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    Edited by emad1234567z




    @LMSAny reason why this crashes my Game when loading into Storymode? I tried if it's any other mod but as soon as I put this into the root folder it crashes.

    I tried to redownload the ASI loader but that also did nothing. Any advice?



      On 5/29/2023 at 5:14 PM, HomieKenobi said:



    @LMSAny reason why this crashes my Game when loading into Storymode? I tried if it's any other mod but as soon as I put this into the root folder it crashes.

    I tried to redownload the ASI loader but that also did nothing. Any advice?



    I am not aware of any issues with this mod. Can you go to eventvwr.exe -> Windows Logs -> Application and see if there are any RDR2 related entries? Sometimes there are two per issue. Please copy their details, if any. You can also PM me as they might contain some slightly sensitive information.


    Posted (edited)

    SOLVED DOUBT, i needed an ASI LOADER. My bad.

    Edited by chamgc


    Can you also remove the x marker during dead eye?

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