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7 Screenshots

First version of our trainer for RDR 1 PC.



Spawn entities and mounts

Change weather

Invincibility, no clip, drunk


Get all weapons, infinite ammo, infinite dead eye, all weapons gold

New! Change player skin

New! Configure via ini

New! Freeze, advance and reverse time

New! Infinite stamina for horse

New! Heal player

New! Spawn money (via loot)

New! Increase honor (via sanctioned kill)

New! Speed up horse

New! One-hit kill

New! Explosive ammo (requires valid target)

New! Spawn War, Death, Pestilence, Famine and Unicorn in single player!



Drag all files into game directory
Launch game
You should hear a beep after a few seconds
Press F9 in-game to open the menu. Press Enter/Backspace to navigate the menu.



You can configure the trainer in the lst.ini file.


DLC Horses

To enable the DLC horses, set "LoadDlcAssets = 1" in the ini file under "Hook" (enabled by default). This also loads other DLC assets, so if there are issues in the game afterwards, please let me know and I can see if I can load assets more selectively.



Thanks a lot to Gan Ceann for their video tutorial!


I want to drive cars!

I know you really want to.. please head over here and thank @GLITCHEDMATRIX



If you crash, try again. If it keeps happening, let us know! 🙂 And please do not upload this elsewhere. Thank you!



We would like to thank Sockstress, Foxxyy, CabooseSayzWTF and TheRouletteBoi for their fantastic research on Red Dead Redemption! This release would not be possible without it.

Thanks to Evil Blunt for their help with cars.

What's New in Version 0.5   See changelog


Add War, Death, Pestilence, Famine and Unicorn horses to SP

  • Like 4
  • Thanks 3
  • Sad 1

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  • User Feedback

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    Hi dear mod creator!! I was wondering how could we get animals id so we can spawn anyone we want editing the ini file. Can they be seen in any game file? 

    • Like 1


    Does anyone have all the entity ids? Id like to spawn more variety of animals/npcs

    • Like 1


    1 hour ago, Candle said:

    Does anyone have all the entity ids? Id like to spawn more variety of animals/npcs

    I would like to know this too - I have no idea how to do it though



    9 minutes ago, maxg14 said:

    I would like to know this too - I have no idea how to do it though




    1 hour ago, maxg14 said:

    I'm not very good with modding - very new to it. How do I add these files into the game?

    You replace skins in lst.ini with the ones in actors.ini

    DLC characters are not working. No Red Harlow 😢



    6 minutes ago, FrenchKush420 said:

    You replace skins in lst.ini with the ones in actors.ini

    DLC characters are not working. No Red Harlow 😢

    Could you give me an example on how I would swap a skin?


    Sorry for the silly question, I'm still learning haha


    Posted (edited)

    5 hours ago, TuMamaEnTanga said:

    Yup, just loot the body and will get 1000$

    What about the high honor reward?? Spawns a women in a white dress.. She's alive though.. What do I do with her for honor???

    Edited by RichieWeed420
    • Haha 1

    Posted (edited)

    Hello, can you add First Person Mod ? Infinitely Lawman ( Compared to RDR2, in RDR1 the police will stop come to you/folllow you at some point which is not good 😞   ) Shooting from the hip mod ? 3 amazing mods inside this mode menu would be amazing ❤️ Please ❤️

    Edited by Voraciou


    If you have trouble with social club not letting you launch the game say no to any prompts to allow social club to make changes to your device after a few prompts say yes and the game will launch and you can use the trainer hope this helps someone.



    DebugBeep = 1
    ; https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/inputdev/virtual-key-codes
    ; F1 = 112, F2 = 113, F3 = 114, F4 = 115, F5 = 116, F6 = 117, F7 = 118, F8 = 119, F9 = 120, F10 = 121, F11 = 122, F12 = 123
    OpenKey = 112
    ; The teleport menu currently only supports 16 entries at once
    Armadillo = -2158.3, 19.9, 2597.5, 89.9
    Beecher's Hope = -107.2, 119.5, 1366.3, 55.7
    Blackwater = 711.4, 82.7, 1321.3, 0.0
    Casa Madrugada = -809.5, 16.7, 3705.6, -134.6
    Chuparosa = -2690.0, 31.5, 4295.1, -92.3
    El Matadero = -434.8, 22.5, 3929.6, 0.0
    Escalera = -4329.5, 22.4, 4459.4, -52.7
    Irish's Shack  = -3838.2, 2.9, 4224.8, 9.9
    MacFarlane's Ranch = -839.8, 92.5, 2372.7, -157.5
    Manzanita Post  = -442.9, 153.5, 1669.5, -36.7
    Plainview  = -3196.3, 41.3, 3752.7, -90.7
    Pleasance House = -2833.2, 50.3, 2417.4, -76.1
    Rathskeller Fork = -3652.3, 42.8, 2086.1, -137.2
    Ridgewood Farm = -3221.9, 16.1, 2714.3, 91.7
    Thieves' Landing = 125.0, 76.7, 2235.9, 166.7
    John = 0
    Jack = 1
    Infested Ardennais = 997
    Jaded Tersk = 998
    Lusitano Nag = 996
    Ardennais = 990
    Cleveland Bay = 976
    Dutch Warmblood = 986
    Highland Chestnut = 983
    Lusitano = 989
    Painted Quarter Horse = 977
    Painted Standardbred = 981
    Quarter Horse = 984
    Standardbred Pinto = 980
    Tersk = 991
    Tobiano Pinto = 988
    Turkmen = 987
    Welsh Mountain = 985
    Dark Horse = 993
    ;Stallion = 994
    ;Regular Horse = 995
    American Standardbred = 979
    Hungarian Half-bred = 982
    Kentucky Saddler = 978
    War Horse = 992
    El Hedor = 1001
    El Picor = 1002
    El Señor = 1000
    Zebra Donkey = 1003
    American Buffalo = 1004
    Albino Buffalo = 1005
    Bonzo = 1006
    Super Bull = 1007
    Dead Horse = 999
    Undead Horse = 1248
    (DLC) Undead Tersk = 1249
    (DLC) Undead Tobiano Pinto = 1250
    (DLC) Undead Turkmen = 1251
    (DLC) Unicorn = 1267
    (DLC) Death = 1268
    (DLC) War = 1269
    (DLC) Pestilence = 1270
    (DLC) Famine = 1271
    ; (DLC) = Only in Undead Nightmare




    28 minutes ago, Voraciou said:

    Hello, can you add First Person Mod ? Infinitely Lawman ( Compared to RDR2, in RDR1 the police will stop come to you/folllow you at some point which is not good 😞   ) Shooting from the hip mod ? 3 amazing mods inside this mode menu would be amazing ❤️ Please ❤️

    Also, what I ment with ''Infinitely Lawman, is endless cops mod. I love shooting cops 🙂 Please add those in this mode menu ❤️



    28 minutes ago, Dreamaker said:
    DebugBeep = 1
    ; https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/inputdev/virtual-key-codes
    ; F1 = 112, F2 = 113, F3 = 114, F4 = 115, F5 = 116, F6 = 117, F7 = 118, F8 = 119, F9 = 120, F10 = 121, F11 = 122, F12 = 123
    OpenKey = 112
    ; The teleport menu currently only supports 16 entries at once
    Armadillo = -2158.3, 19.9, 2597.5, 89.9
    Beecher's Hope = -107.2, 119.5, 1366.3, 55.7
    Blackwater = 711.4, 82.7, 1321.3, 0.0
    Casa Madrugada = -809.5, 16.7, 3705.6, -134.6
    Chuparosa = -2690.0, 31.5, 4295.1, -92.3
    El Matadero = -434.8, 22.5, 3929.6, 0.0
    Escalera = -4329.5, 22.4, 4459.4, -52.7
    Irish's Shack  = -3838.2, 2.9, 4224.8, 9.9
    MacFarlane's Ranch = -839.8, 92.5, 2372.7, -157.5
    Manzanita Post  = -442.9, 153.5, 1669.5, -36.7
    Plainview  = -3196.3, 41.3, 3752.7, -90.7
    Pleasance House = -2833.2, 50.3, 2417.4, -76.1
    Rathskeller Fork = -3652.3, 42.8, 2086.1, -137.2
    Ridgewood Farm = -3221.9, 16.1, 2714.3, 91.7
    Thieves' Landing = 125.0, 76.7, 2235.9, 166.7
    John = 0
    Jack = 1
    Infested Ardennais = 997
    Jaded Tersk = 998
    Lusitano Nag = 996
    Ardennais = 990
    Cleveland Bay = 976
    Dutch Warmblood = 986
    Highland Chestnut = 983
    Lusitano = 989
    Painted Quarter Horse = 977
    Painted Standardbred = 981
    Quarter Horse = 984
    Standardbred Pinto = 980
    Tersk = 991
    Tobiano Pinto = 988
    Turkmen = 987
    Welsh Mountain = 985
    Dark Horse = 993
    ;Stallion = 994
    ;Regular Horse = 995
    American Standardbred = 979
    Hungarian Half-bred = 982
    Kentucky Saddler = 978
    War Horse = 992
    El Hedor = 1001
    El Picor = 1002
    El Señor = 1000
    Zebra Donkey = 1003
    American Buffalo = 1004
    Albino Buffalo = 1005
    Bonzo = 1006
    Super Bull = 1007
    Dead Horse = 999
    Undead Horse = 1248
    (DLC) Undead Tersk = 1249
    (DLC) Undead Tobiano Pinto = 1250
    (DLC) Undead Turkmen = 1251
    (DLC) Unicorn = 1267
    (DLC) Death = 1268
    (DLC) War = 1269
    (DLC) Pestilence = 1270
    (DLC) Famine = 1271
    ; (DLC) = Only in Undead Nightmare


    The apocolypse horses do not work, only the zombie horse spawns. Also, this trainer doesn't work in Udead Nightmare



    1 hour ago, RichieWeed420 said:

    What about the high honor reward?? Spawns a women in a white dress.. She's alive though.. What do I do with her for honor???

    Nevermind!!! Found out I needed to kill her to get honor lol



    29 minutes ago, Voraciou said:

    Also, what I ment with ''Infinitely Lawman, is endless cops mod. I love shooting cops 🙂 Please add those in this mode menu ❤️

    And in undead nightmare as well, hoards/waves of zombies coming at you endless, please make this a dream come true to life ! ❤️

    • Like 1

    Posted (edited)

    Solid but "Silent Virtues Trainer" is better rn

    Edited by BigArthur


    Why doesn't this trainer open in Undead Nightmare?



    1 hour ago, maxg14 said:

    The apocolypse horses do not work, only the zombie horse spawns. Also, this trainer doesn't work in Udead Nightmare

    It worked here. (1911)
    Only there you can notice the differences between the DLC horses.



    10 minutes ago, Dreamaker said:

    It worked here. (1911)
    Only there you can notice the differences between the DLC horses.

    Not sure what you mean?



    Does this not work for the steam version? I put all the files in my directory and nothing happens.


    Posted (edited)

    8 minutes ago, Dreamaker said:


    Edited by maxg14


    5 hours ago, BigArthur said:

    Solid but "Silent Virtues Trainer" is better

    This is not a competition, I do appreciate the "kind" words, but please refrain from saying such things.

    Alot of rage modders have a competitive mindset. I really don't like this. However this is just how the rdr modding com has been ever since rdr modding was a thing.

    I guess the same can be said about alot of game modding communities. However, I will not strive to be the best, i'm just doing me.

    Everybody should just be having fun and encouraging others to be better and to do better.


    I used to be competitive modding wise so I really don't have alot of room to talk. But that's all past me. At the end of the day, this is just a game we are talking about.

    • Like 2


    11 hours ago, BigArthur said:

    Solid but "Silent Virtues Trainer" is better

    I think using both at the same time is better.

    • Like 1

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