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Ped Damage Overhaul 2.0 BETA 7

Script mod which adds and alters "NPC behaviors"
   (5 reviews)

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This mod is a teamwork of @fitfondue and @HughJanus.


The beta version of Ped Damage Overhaul 2.0 has been released! It contains new features and major adjustments (described in the changelog), so we'd appreciate your feedback on any bugs and performance issues you encounter. When reporting performance issues, please post your system specs if you can!

Part of this beta are the "optional features" (which require LML to work). Those are separated in two files. One is responsible for longer reactions after dismemberment (not compatible with euphoria mods), the other increases the chances of arterial bleeding (e.g. for neck shots).



This mod tries to make gun fights more diverse, dynamic and interesting and keep them that way throughout the game.

You will find NPCs stumbling when trying to run with hurt legs, getting the wind knocked out of them when getting shot, squirming on the ground when fatally injured, moaning in pools of their own blood until they meet their end, clutching their wounds and stumbling around when hit, etc.


IMPORTANT KEYS (for toggling effects)

These are the standard keys, they can be modified via the ini file (as can everything else this mod adds to the game):

  • F9 - Toggling the mod on/off (the mod is enabled by default).
  • F8 - Toggling "Kill Wounded Mode" on/off (is disabled by default). This mod adds a feature called "Dying States" which makes NPCs go down when injured and still stay alive for some time (until they bleed out). If "Kill Wounded Mode" is activated, NPCs will die instead of entering the "Dying States".
  • F7 - Toggling "Longer Bleedouts Mode" on/off (is disabled by default). Per default this mod makes NPCs in "Dying States" bleed out within a maximum of 25 seconds (to not interfere with spawning waves of enemies during missions, which are only triggered when the first wave is dealt with). If "Longer Bleedouts Mode" is activated, NPCs will take longer to bleed out (more realistic, but also hindering during some missions).
  • F2 - Toggling "Friendly Fire" on/off (is disabled by default). "Friendly Fire" currently only works for the Dutch Van Der Linde gang.



Here is a quick overview of the most important features:

First off, almost all of the features and their characteristics are based on chance, so the behaviors won't be the same every time you encounter them - which should ensure more diverse fights and keep things interesting for longer than vanilla does... that was the idea, at least 🙂

Almost every feature can be enabled, disabled or tweaked in the ini (more information further down the page), so this is not only a mod, but also enables you to create your own experience.

This mod only alters behaviors and attributes of human NPCs - animals or anything else remain untouched.


Light version:

  • NPCs will react to where they are being shot (leg shots will make them stumble when trying to run, hand shots will disarm them, torso shots will stagger them, etc.).
  • When NPC's health decreases below a certain threshold, they fall over and don't get back up. Then they go through different stages of dying, each with its own randomized behavior. Eventually NPCs will die of blood loss.
  • NPCs will sometimes (based on chance) audibly react when in hopeless situation (panicking, begging, cursing, etc.).
  • There is a bleeding feature, which makes NPCs lose health after they have been fatally injured. It operates bassed on chance, so NPCs don't all bleed out in the same amount of time.
  • NPCs burn alive for longer when set on fire.
  • There is a chance of NPCs surviving a fire (although they won't be able to do much afterwards).
  • NPCs have a chance of staying on the ground for a random amount of time when shot (based on their health) - so you can now knock the breath out of your opponents.
  • For all included behaviors the movement and pain sounds have been adjusted (and also randomized) to hopefully make your experience more interesting.


Standard version:

  • The same features as in the light version apply as well as the following additions:
  • NPC health and player damage tweaked to offer a more satisfying experience (no more bullet sponges).
  • NPC damage tweaked to offer more challenge to the player (since NPCs don't eat bullets for breakfast anymore).
  • You can now feel the difference between weapons, their condition and ammo types in combat (shooting with a properly maintained, powerful weapon with special ammo now feels like it should).
  • NPCs are less accurate shots and their accuracy declines along with their health.
  • Arm and leg shots do less damage to NPCs.
  • All NPCs can be disarmed (yes, even lawmen).
  • Hogtying disarms NPCs, so if they manage to get loose, they can't shoot you - they might draw a hidden knife, though.


Overhaul version:

  • The same features as in the standard version apply as well as the following additions:
  • Core Drain (health, stamina, dead eye) has been moderately increased - now hunting and buying food become necessary options.
  • Cores will be fully drained after death.
  • Additional 25% of money lost after death.


We hope that you have as much fun with this mod as we have creating and improving it!




  1. Download Alexander Blade's ScriptHook: http://dev-c.com/rdr2/scripthookrdr2/
  2. Extract Dinput8.dll and ScriptHookRDR2.dll into the main directory of RDR 2 (where the .exe file is).
  3. If you want PDO's additional features, download Lenny's Mod Loader. If not, ignore steps 4, 5 and 8. https://www.rdr2mods.com/downloads/rdr2/tools/76-lennys-mod-loader-rdr/
  4. Extract the folder Mod Manager into the main directory of RDR 2 (the actual Mod Manager folder, not just its contents). Then go into the Mod Loader folder and extract only its contents into the main directory as well (not the actual folder, just its contents).
  5. In the Mod Manager folder, run the ModManager.UI.exe file to make sure Lenny's Mod Loader is properly installed in the RDR 2 directory.
  6. Download your preferred version of Ped Damage Overhaul, then open the zip and choose whether you prefer Light, Standard or Overhaul configurations (see mod description to understand the differences).
  7. Extract the contents of the chosen folder into the main directory. If you're using Lenny's Mod Loader, any files pertaining to it will be automatically placed in the correct folder.
  8. If you're using Lenny's Mod Loader, run ModManager.UI.exe to see if the optional files are showing as installed. If they are, you're good to go.
  9. Start the game and have fun!
  10. While in game, you can press F9 to check if the mod was loaded correctly (F9 once to disable, then F9 again to re-enable the mod).




In general, every parameter in the ini has a description (including information on how to disable the feature). Feel free to play around.

There are already a lot of features enabled and tweaked for out-of-the-box use, yet there are some features left untouched which can be enabled in the ini. That said, if you just want to disable one or more features, set their respective values to 0 (or whatever value the description suggests).


  • To turn off the bleeding feature: set BleedWhenDying to 0
  • To turn off the disarming when hogtying NPCs: set HogtyingDisarms to 0
  • To turn off the dying state features: set DyingStateChance to 0


If you want to disable a feature which is based on chance, just set the chance value to 0.


  • To turn off the knocking the wind out of your opponents: set KnockbackChance to 0
  • To turn off the possibility of NPCs surviving fire: set FireSurvivalChance to 0
  • To turn off the chance of stumbling when shot in the leg: set StumbleChanceOneLeg and StumbleChanceBothLegs to 0


There are also many other features that can be activated in the ini - here are some examples:

  • LassoDisarms -> makes catching someone with your lasso disarm them (no hogtying necessary)
  • NPCWeaponModifier (and many other damage modifiers) -> makes NPCs do more or less damage, depending on what you set it to
  • BleedWhenShot -> enables a bleeding feature which triggers when an NPC gets shot (so not the usual "bleed out when under x health" but consistent bleeding which is applied after the first hit of a bullet - the bleeding chance and deducted health points can be set separately)


The ini is full of values for those wanting to experiment a little.

One word of warning to tweakers: If the NPCHealth is set too high, headshots might not be lethal anymore, unless they hit the actual brain of the NPC (so a shot in the jaw would do more damage than other body parts, but would not be an instant kill). Actual "brain-shots" are always one-shot-kills, no matter the health.




KNOWN "ISSUES" (they are not real issues)

  • The disarming feature can be exploited to slow down new waves of lawmen. The same is true for the dying state feature. If there are too many lawmen dying or fleeing around the player, new waves won't spawn in until the lawmen die or get enough distance (this feature can be turned of in the ini file, if that is a deal breaker to you).
  • When disarming is enabled, the dropped weapons may appear partly invisible. This is only optical, though, they can be picked up and used as usual.



The source code of Ped Damage Overhaul can be found here:




If you are looking to enhance your experience by using an Euphoria Mod, please take a look at the work of @AnymYo.

C.E.R.R. is tweaked for cineastic reactions and designed to work with PDO:


Edited by HughJanus

What's New in Version 2.0 BETA 7   See changelog


Changelog v2.0 BETA 7


  • Added an ini parameter to enable/disable the disarming of downed opponents
  • Added an ini parameter to disable the "longer bleedouts" feature in missions
  • Fixed a bug where NPCs in cover would sack down all of a sudden when using euphoria mods
  • Fixed a bug where health for npcs in vehicles would not be set correctly
  • Fixed a bug where health for "Other Story NPCs" would not be set correctly
  • Fixed a bug where damage multipliers would not be applied if they were set above 100%
  • Adjusted some values in case the ini is not found (due to not following the installation instructions, which is very common, it seems^^)
  • Like 33
  • Thanks 7

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  • User Feedback

    Recommended Comments

    2 hours ago, lexo1000 said:

    Thanks! Also is it possible to make horse less resistant to bullets? Actually my horse never die in gunfights and make  horse reviver pointless.


    There is already a HorseHealth option in the ini. We are currently looking into core drain for horses, maybe we'll have something for the next release.

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    So if I set HorseHealth = 50, does it mean that my horse will have 50% of its normal health? Or it will set its health to 50 points, regardless of its breed?

    Also please could you make CoreDepletionAfterDeath = 1 only occur when dying while free roaming and not after die and retry a mission?

    Edited by lexo1000
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    13 hours ago, lexo1000 said:

    So if I set HorseHealth = 50, does it mean that my horse will have 50% of its normal health? Or it will set its health to 50 points, regardless of its breed?

    Also please could you make CoreDepletionAfterDeath = 1 only occur when dying while free roaming and not after die and retry a mission?


    Its a fixed health value, independent of the breed.

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    Ok thanks. A percentage would be better in order to keep the benefit of catching or buying strongest horses.

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    Ive tried to configure a mix between vanilla euphoria npc behavior (more cineastic npc movement when shot) and the dying movement on the ground.
    My intention was to configure a clean motion pass over from vanilla stumbling and movement (until the npc is on the ground) to the dying movement mode of the mod.
    I wanted to prevent the knock back (KnockbackChance) and the euphoria ballancer of the mod (DSEuphoriaStumbleChance) which let the npc walk in a random direction or causing a simple fall to the ground.

    With my current .ini configuration i did a good progress and sometimes it is working well but often there are some problems which i dont know how to solve...

    When i shoot a npc, the vanilla euphoria kicks in and the npc starts to stumble and behave (touching bullet holes and so on)... after a few more shots, the vanilla bullet force is suddenly gone and the npc starts to stand still (while getting shot)... if i stop shooting, the npc will collapse after 1 - 2 seconds, if i continue shooting, no force will applied to the npcs body but after 1 or 2 seconds, the bullet force is insane and sends the npc flying...

    Desired behavior:
    In this case, everything works fine! The npc is in dying mode after vanilla euphoria ragdoll behavior brings the npc to the ground... This is the desired behavior without Knockback or DSEuphoriaStumble!


    This is the case, where the vanilla bullet force is getting lower and lower until its completely gone and the npc is standing still:


    In this cases the last bullet sends the npc flying:



    It seems like the vanilla euphoria sequence break when the NPCs health crosses the dying mode threshold and causes these strange behaviors (with still standing and so on...)
    What do i have to configure to bring the NPC in dying mode right AFTER he allready feld to the ground after vanilla euphoria is done? (like in the first video)
    Is it possible to only activate the dying mode SPECIFIC when the npc is laying on the ground? Maybe by checking coordinates of specific bones?
    If not, is it possible to activate a kind of "delay" (of the dyning mode) which kicks in when the NPCs health is under the dyning mode threshold to prevent the breaking of the vanilla euphoria ragdoll?

    Here the values which i changed in the ini:

    KnockbackThreshold = 0

    KnockbackChance = 0

    DSEuphoriaStumbleChance = 0

    DSMaxStumbleTime = 0

    DSMaxEuphTime = 3000

    BothLegsStumbleForcePushX = 0
    BothLegsStumbleForcePushY = 0
    BothLegsStumbleForcePushZ = 0
    OneLegStumbleForcePushX = 0
    OneLegStumbleForcePushY = 0
    OneLegStumbleForcePushZ = 0
    IsDirectionRelativeOneLeg = 0
    IsForceRelativeOneLeg = 1
    IsDirectionRelativeBothLegs = 0
    IsForceRelativeBothLegs = 1

    DyingPushChance = 0
    DyingForcePushX = 0
    DyingForcePushY = 0
    DyingForcePushZ = 0

    HeadVecMaxTime = 0 (intention: to mimize the "still standing time" of the npc)

    Thanks for your help and keep up the good work of that great mod!


    Edited by AnymYo
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    @AnymYo Try playing with DSEuphTime and DSDelay - those in combination with the HeadVec-values (delta and time) create the shock state. But if you dont want any altered euphoria behavior, I suggest setting DSEuphTime to a low value like 0, 10 or 100 and then work up from there. If that doesnt result in anything you want, you can try tweaking DSDelay. HeadVecMaxTime I would set to something higher than 0 (like 100 or so) - if you want the head bone check to stop, I would rather increase the range of the delta value than lower the one for the time check.

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    Hi HughJanus 

    In previous versions, when NPCs were falling down, they writhed in pain for few seconds and then die (which was really nice to see 😉 Now most of the time they falling down and simply stay on the ground without moving at all and then die. Is there any way to make this animation happens more often by editing the .ini?
    Thanks in advance.

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    @HughJanus Thanks, i will try to configure these values and test the result.

    If you dont mean the vanilla "injured on ground" euphoria behavior, this could help you.
    Open the .ini file from PDO version 1.56 and go down to line 39 - 48.
    There should be the following values:


    ;DyingMovementThreshold is the health threshold under which NPCs wont be able to get back up again when knocked down (still moving on the ground) - if DyingMovment is disabled (in the advanced section),
    ;the behavior under this threshold is the same as for the DyingThreshold
    DyingMovementThreshold = 70

    ;DyingMovementThreshold2 is the health threshold under which NPCs wont be able to get back up again when knocked down (still moving on the ground, less agile than the first threshold) - if DyingMovment is
    ;disabled (in the advanced section), the behavior under this threshold is the same as for the DyingThreshold
    DyingMovementThreshold2 = 50

    ;DyingThreshold is the health threshold under which NPCs wont be able to get back up again when knocked down (just lying on the ground, not moving)
    DyingThreshold = 25

    Turn down the values from DyingMovementThreshold2 and DyingThreshold. That should bring the desired effect that downed npcs moving on the ground more agile.
    For example like this:


    ;DyingMovementThreshold is the health threshold under which NPCs wont be able to get back up again when knocked down (still moving on the ground) - if DyingMovment is disabled (in the advanced section),
    ;the behavior under this threshold is the same as for the DyingThreshold
    DyingMovementThreshold = 70

    ;DyingMovementThreshold2 is the health threshold under which NPCs wont be able to get back up again when knocked down (still moving on the ground, less agile than the first threshold) - if DyingMovment is
    ;disabled (in the advanced section), the behavior under this threshold is the same as for the DyingThreshold
    DyingMovementThreshold2 = 5

    ;DyingThreshold is the health threshold under which NPCs wont be able to get back up again when knocked down (just lying on the ground, not moving)
    DyingThreshold = 3

    If the NPCs health is 70 or less but over 5, the NPC will move on the ground.

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    @AnymYo Please post your settings if you manage to fix that weird shock state/bad standing. You'd save a lot of people I'm sure of it. Thanks :D

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    It wasn't aware to us that the shock state was such a problem for some of you.

    We'll take a look at it for the next release.

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    To add on from lexo's comment, I've been having the issue with NPC's dying after really short falls for some time. When they hit the ground, first they lay there for a moment, then they stagger and grunt, then they lay there for another moment, then they die. A great place to test this is Valentine, lots of small elevated ledges like the saloon's entrance, if you grapple an NPC and throw them off you'll see it happen quite a lot. At first I chocked it up to being an issue with my custom ini configuration but it's still happening after a fresh install to the latest version of the mod.


    However, I found a brute force fix. It was FallTime that was causing it I believe, for some reason the millisecond timer keeps going a little bit after they've hit the floor (I think, but i'm guestimating), not sure if this is a thing with the mod or the game itself, but I was able to give that issue a fix by doubling the default values below. Now NPC's don't die when they fall like 2 feet. I'm sure there are more precise values that can be put in-place of that though. 


    ;FallTimeDown is the time in milliseconds an NPC has to be falling to be incapacitated afterwards
    FallTimeDown = 1100

    ;FallTimeDeath is the time in milliseconds an NPC has to be falling to be dead afterwards
    FallTimeDeath = 2500


    Edited by Zere.exe
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    @HughJanus @foxy9911
    I tried anything but could not deactivate the shock state. I can reduce the shock time but at the end, the vanilla euphoria sequence will break, the npc will walk slower and slower until hes standing for a second and than collapse... Especialy with the lemat revolver the shock state is nearly to 100% happening.
    I also noticed, that the shock state is using the configured advance stumbling values (line 319 to 328 [or 336]) even when DSEuphoriaStumbleChance, DSMaxStumbleTime, DSDelay and DSMaxEuphTime set to 0. Is this working properly so or is it a bug?

    DSEuphoriaStumbleChance is a nice feature but IMHO sometimes it looks a little bit strange if the npcs walking every time in a circle and dont react to bullets like a few seconds before... this could be related to the differend "ragdoll and balance" behavior which will applied on the NPC if this mechanic kicks in (it is the same behavior that is used for the shock state i guess). This behavior makes the npc more lifeless (no bullet wounds touching, no reaction to body shots, no bullet force, only balancing if a force push will be applied) and breaks the immersion a little bit.

    If i understand correctly, the shock state behavior kicks in, when the NPCs health is under the value from DyingMovementThreshold  (standart 70). If this happens while the npc is ragdolling, the vanilla euphoria breaks and the shock state behavior kicks in. So the only way to prevent this is disabling the Dying movement (which kills almost the complete mod kommt also absolut nicht in Frage 😄 )

    1. You shoot a NPC (Health is 100, threshold is 70)
    2. The NPC is pushed away from the bullet force (sadly this is like RDR2 and also GTA5 works cause no NaturalMotion developers are involved in R* game production anymore sience shitty Zynga baught NaturalMotion)
    3. While the NPC is stunbling in vanilla euphoria ragdoll (but not on the ground) the NPC health crosses the threshold of 70 and the shock state kicks in. <- here is the (more or less) problem
    4. The NPC dont react to bullets anymore and falls to the ground using the "Knockback" sequence or (if you continue shooting) is going to fly because suddenly bullets are insanely powerfull.

    The problem might be to find a way to get the NPCs in a dynamic way to the ground (in case that the threshold is crossed but the NPC wont fall down after stumbling) which wont breake the current motion sequence and let the NPC still reacting to the environment and bullets. Maybe by calling the vanilla "writhed in pain euphoria" sequence (I mean the movement of the last 1 second which a NPC is performing right after you killed him on the ground finaly). In GTA 5 this physics task should be called "CTaskNMInjuredOnGround". The taskname should be the same in RDR2. This could force a standing NPC in a "dynamic vanilla euphoria like" way to the ground and prevents the use of a force (X,Y,Z) which would push the NPC in a specific (everytime the same) direction repetitive again and again like the DSEuphoriaStumbleChance feature. The new mechanic should always match the situation.

    Some friendly suggestions for future releases:
    - A (additional) mechanic which activates the dying mode (shock state) only if the NPC lays on the ground (maybe by checking the position of specific bones) with a time delay option to prevent the "vanilla euphoria sequence breaking" (in case of a NPC is going down but the force causes the NPC to roll on the ground for 1 or 2 meters but the NPC health is under DyingMovementThreshold, the delay option would prevent the break of the current motion sequence and would activate the "shock state on ground" mode after a certain amount of time later).

    - An option to configure the bullet impact force which is applied on NPCs. Some weapons sends NPCs flying.

    Beste Mod die es bisher gibt, weiter so!

    Edited by AnymYo
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    @AnymYo Thanks for the input. Some of your suggestions are already part of the mod, others will not have the effect you would wish for, I fear. Let me explain how things currently work, so we can have a little discussion about what to do:



    The mod constantly iterates through all the NPCs loaded by the game.

    For each NPC a whole lot of checks and actions are applied.

    Each NPC has a flag for activated DyingStates and one for activated EuphoriaStumbling (EuphoriaStumbling only applies to those with DyingStates enabled).

    The percentage chances (DyingStateChance, DSEuphoriaStumbleChance) is the percentage for each NPC to get flagged (when first appearing in the game - the flag is then permanent for this NPC).


    Specific ("dying mode" = DyingStates)

    NPCs can be in normal task mode (they walk, talk, do whatever) or in ragdoll. Unfortunately there is no way of checking if an NPC is currently using euphoria behavior - no matter if an NPC is "just" a ragdoll or currently euphoria ragdolling, the game always returns "true" if you ask if the NPC is in ragdoll. This is the main problem, because you are not able to find out whether an NPC is still reacting to something or already ragdolling completely. So here is the current solution for this problem:

    • If an NPC has its health below the DyingMovementThreshold and is in ragdoll for the first time since crossing the threshold, the NPC is flagged ("is in DS ragdoll").
    • The mod waits for the time set in DSMaxEuphTime an then checks if the flagged NPC is still in ragdoll. If not, nothing happens and the game begins again (waiting for next ragdoll) --> this allows NPCs to flinch or react without being forced into permanent ragdoll.
    • If after DSMaxEuphTime the NPC is still in ragdoll, it gets permanently ragdolled, but with the "try to balance ragdoll" (to be sure the NPC goes to the ground at some time).
    • After the NPC has entered the "try to balance ragdoll" the mod waits for the time specified in DSDelay. When this has passed, the NPC is checked for whether its head is high enough (between ZValueForHeadBone and ZValueForHeadBone2 --> this should mean that the NPC is still standing). If the NPC is still standing, the force pushes are applied (DyingPushChance, DyingForcePushX, DyingForcePushY, DyingForcePushZ) until the NPCs head is lower than ZValueForHeadBone (= on the ground).
    • Also, as a security measure if the NPC is being force-pushed around and not going down, after the DSDelay the counter for DSMaxStumbleTime starts. If the NPC is still in being pushed and trying to balance mode, after DSMaxStumbleTime has passed, it gets forced to the ground.

    Notice that when EuphoriaStumbling is not enabled for the NPC, the whole pushing and balancing thing does not happen - the NPC will get forced to the ground instead of pushed around. Forcing to the ground always happens via the "ragdoll force fall" native function.

    The shock state happens when NPCs are in ragdoll for too long (DSMaxEuphTime is passed) but not moving in any specific direction, so the "try to balance ragdoll" keeps them standing still. To circumvent that, we implemented HeadVecMaxDelta and HeadVecMaxTime:

    • If an NPC is in ragdoll, the position of the NPCs head gets stored and the HeadVecMaxTime counter starts.
    • If after the counter has passed, the NPCs head is still within the HeadVecMaxDelta, the NPC gets forced to the ground via pushing (ragdoll force fall looked extremely weird, so we decided to push).

    HeadVecMaxDelta gets applied to all axis (positive and negative). The check looks like this:

    if (*NPC is standing*) *do HEAD_CHECK*
    if ((headpre.x < headpost.x + delta && headpre.x > headpost.x - delta) ||
      	(headpre.y < headpost.y + delta && headpre.y > headpost.y - delta) ||
      	(headpre.z < headpost.z + delta && headpre.z > headpost.z - delta))
      	*push NPC*


    The shock state was usually there for a long time (without the head check with time and delta).

    After implementing this and configuring it, the shock state now only lasts for a few seconds.

    We were fine with the results and left it that way (thinking users could "configure it away" if they wanted to).

    But since you tried to do so unsuccessfully, we might have to take a look at the code.

    I am the only one actively coding, so this will be my task :P

    Since I have very little spare time on my hands, please dont expect miracles.

    I am always open to input, though. So if you have an idea, please share. I havent really discussed or thought of any solution before, because I didnt think it was a problem.

    Since the v1.56 release, I have been only working on some performance fixes - so if you have any suggestions, I will try them next time I sit in front of my Visual Studio.



    @Zere.exe the solution with the fall time was tested quite a bit, so I am surprised there was such a major bug (also no one has reported this one ever (not even on nexus)). Glad that you could work it out.

    I have to admit, however, that I dont exactly know how long an NPC counts as "is falling" in the game engine. Our tests could never provide precise results.

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    @HughJanus that's very strange, I've tried multiple fresh installs of the mod from the Nexus upload to beta versions on here and that one keeps coming up for me (I spend a lot of time in Valentine fist fighting so I noticed it every time I'd play), the only other mod I have that could be considered gameplay altering is 'Rampage Trainer' but I have no idea if that could be causing the bug. I'll keep my eye out and see if anything similar crops up in other areas of the game, hopefully nobody else runs into it, but if they do, increasing the FallTimeDeath has definitely fixed it for me. I've been playing with that altered setting and the bug hasn't come up since.


    Also just out of curiosity as I haven't spotted anything in the config about it, is it possible to change the force/distance applied to a ped when you throw/dismiss them after grappling? Just a little something I was thinking of playing around with if it can be done.

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    2 hours ago, Zere.exe said:

    @HughJanus that's very strange, I've tried multiple fresh installs of the mod from the Nexus upload to beta versions on here and that one keeps coming up for me (I spend a lot of time in Valentine fist fighting so I noticed it every time I'd play), the only other mod I have that could be considered gameplay altering is 'Rampage Trainer' but I have no idea if that could be causing the bug. I'll keep my eye out and see if anything similar crops up in other areas of the game, hopefully nobody else runs into it, but if they do, increasing the FallTimeDeath has definitely fixed it for me. I've been playing with that altered setting and the bug hasn't come up since.


    Also just out of curiosity as I haven't spotted anything in the config about it, is it possible to change the force/distance applied to a ped when you throw/dismiss them after grappling? Just a little something I was thinking of playing around with if it can be done.


    I wrote the problem down and we will test it in the next releases testing phase.

    Concerning the throwing force, there is nothing you can alter at the moment.

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    If your cores are draining much faster with this mod, and so you have to eat far more often, wouldn't that inevitably make Arthur overweight? Is there any way to stop that?

    Edited by Wicker
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    Hey janus I love messing around in the ini and I was wondering why it's only when the npc is totally on ground that the bleeding kicks in, if a npc kinda slump into some crates or something in a akward position he won't start bleeding but if I push his body until mostly of his body is in contact with the ground that when he starts bleeding, I read above about the head delta, it's that it that I need to tweek or is some other value?

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    @Wicker During un-modded gameplay I would not eat that often and had the problem of Arthur losing weight. This problem I dont have anymore since now Im forced to eat. Getting overweight is probably a matter of the core draining interval (configurable via the ini file) - as it is set now in the default overhaul ini, I have not had any problems with Arthur gaining weight.


    @ChristianW. What exactly do you mean by "bleeding"?

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    33 minutes ago, HughJanus said:

    @Wicker During un-modded gameplay I would not eat that often and had the problem of Arthur losing weight. This problem I dont have anymore since now Im forced to eat. Getting overweight is probably a matter of the core draining interval (configurable via the ini file) - as it is set now in the default overhaul ini, I have not had any problems with Arthur gaining weight.


    @ChristianW. What exactly do you mean by "bleeding"?

    I mean losing health you know, when they lose points until dying, if they drop in a weird position they don't die, but if a push the body to a flat plane that's when the bleeding kicks in

    Edited by ChristianW.
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    4 hours ago, ChristianW. said:

    I mean losing health you know, when they lose points until dying, if they drop in a weird position they don't die, but if a push the body to a flat plane that's when the bleeding kicks in


    OK, I just wanted to be sure you dont mean the visual bleeding.

    BleedWhenDying sets in when the NPC has entered the DyingStates (= animations and sounds are played depending on NPCs health, player behavior and chance). The NPC only enters the DyingStates if it is low enough to the ground (HeadValue or something like that - thats the name of the ini value governing this threshold of height).

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    3 hours ago, HughJanus said:


    OK, I just wanted to be sure you dont mean the visual bleeding.

    BleedWhenDying sets in when the NPC has entered the DyingStates (= animations and sounds are played depending on NPCs health, player behavior and chance). The NPC only enters the DyingStates if it is low enough to the ground (HeadValue or something like that - thats the name of the ini value governing this threshold of height).

    There are two values ZValueForHeadBone and ZValueForHeadBone2 it's that it? the first one has the value of 260 and the second one has the value of 3000 what's the difference between those two? It's like a head value and a neck value or is something else?

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    1 hour ago, ChristianW. said:

    There are two values ZValueForHeadBone and ZValueForHeadBone2 it's that it? the first one has the value of 260 and the second one has the value of 3000 what's the difference between those two? It's like a head value and a neck value or is something else?


    You need to alter the one with 260. This is the threshold for how low the head bone must go (the second one is the upper cap, so the head bone has to be between the two).

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    On 4/29/2021 at 3:51 PM, HughJanus said:


    You need to alter the one with 260. This is the threshold for how low the head bone must go (the second one is the upper cap, so the head bone has to be between the two).

    While testing using the Rampage trainer to show the health, I noticed that some npc very rarely spawn with 400 of health and I saw I guess 3 times npc with 800 health, I modified the default health to 155 but even the health when on fire I didn't tweak, I don't notice that much when playing normaly because most of the times they bleed anyway and fall to the ground but it's noticible when the npc is riding a horse for example, but this occuring was very very rare, like If I make a mayhem in town and kill like 100 npc maybe I will see one or two with this crazy amount of health, and I only had seeing npc with 800 points of health in saint denis in my testing, like I said, it's mostly unnoticed when normaly playing but It happen sometimes to show a tank npc that takes far more shoots that it should

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    On 5/1/2021 at 12:21 PM, ChristianW. said:

    While testing using the Rampage trainer to show the health, I noticed that some npc very rarely spawn with 400 of health and I saw I guess 3 times npc with 800 health, I modified the default health to 155 but even the health when on fire I didn't tweak, I don't notice that much when playing normaly because most of the times they bleed anyway and fall to the ground but it's noticible when the npc is riding a horse for example, but this occuring was very very rare, like If I make a mayhem in town and kill like 100 npc maybe I will see one or two with this crazy amount of health, and I only had seeing npc with 800 points of health in saint denis in my testing, like I said, it's mostly unnoticed when normaly playing but It happen sometimes to show a tank npc that takes far more shoots that it should


    Does this happen during normal gameplay, a fight or are you playing around with the trainer?

    The value 800 is assigned to NPCs who are supposed to survive the burning, while they are on fire (so they dont die). After the burning stops, their health is reset to the normal value. All the other values (400, 155) dont ring any bells.

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