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Easier Gold Medals 1.0.0

This is a very simple mod that makes it easier for the leisurely folk to get Gold medals in the game
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Easier Gold Medals

This is a very simple mod that makes it easier for the leisurely folk to get Gold medals in the game for completing missions.


This mod does two things and two things only (currently):

  1. Makes all timed challenges complete any time.
    Allows you to take your time when completing the missions, take a look around, enjoy the battlefield.
  2. Makes it so that failed attempts no longer reset challenges.
    Sometimes you just stroll around too much and you end up dying. No worries about lost challenge progress in this case!

Note: The in-game challenge text will still mention the original times. This can be ignored as they are not directly related to the actual timers.


To install, drop the easier_gold folder in the LML folder. Lenny's Mod Loader beta 6+ is required for this to function properly.

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Thanks a lot, but why every mods needs instal with LML, how everyone can run lml with RDR 2, my LML just showing "Waiting for game" but i am in game!!! And enabled mods in LML doesn't work and don't see running RDR

Edited by overlord24
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Dude, words cannot describe how useful this mod is, and how much nerves it saves, I hate it when the game makes me play "in a certain way" and how to rush somewhere in the competition, I would remove all the requirements altogether and enjoy the game for my own pleasure, but the fact that you removed the timer is already worth a lot, it annoyed me the most

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Unfortunately this doesn't work for me. In fact, I think it has the opposite effect, where the timed challenge doesn't show as completed, even if you do it within the allotted time.


Mod Loader shows the mod as being installed, so I don't know why it isn't working. The only other mod I have installed is Lenny's trainer but I wasn't using any of its features at the time.

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This mod does not work for task one of "A Fisher of Men", but it does work for the overall time.    

It also does not work for the time requirement on  "American Pastoral Scene".

But it did work for "We Loved Once and True 3".  


It seems this mod only works if the time requirement is the last check for gold on the mission.  If the time requirement is not the last thing, it doesn't seem to work.  

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Yeah, can confirmed that it is not working consistently. I want to play the game in my way, but at the same time want to get those Gold medals in each mission. I wish there is a mod that will let you automatically achieve Gold medal on each mission regardless of how you play the game for noobs like me.


Edited by Anti Hero
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