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This mod adds the navy revolver to singleplayer. You can fully customize it at the gunsmith and even purchase it in Valentine and Saint Denis. This is the first release, so please let me know if anything is broken. Also please consult the known issues below.



Download with Mod Manager from here or drag and drop the extracted folder into your lml folder so that you have a structure like "rdr2\lml\navy_revolver_sp". Please make sure to have Lenny's Simple Trainer or Outfit Changer installed to load all multiplayer components! Otherwise the revolver will not show up.


Known Issues

The camera at the gunsmith does not always pan correctly for certain options such as barrel length.

Most clothing items at the store will lose their icon (you can still view and purchase them). A fix for this is in development and requires an LML update.


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      On 12/15/2022 at 1:52 AM, notrooks said:

    found a fix around this, Deleted Item_Catalog folder


    No... that deletes literally everything in the catalog from whyem...



      On 2/8/2022 at 11:30 PM, R998 said:

    Doesn t work , rdr 1311 pirate ver , it is not in the list of the gunsmith, the version of the mod loader is the latest, I install through the mod loader, what should I do?


    latest mod loader isn't made for 1311, or pirated versions, for that matter



      On 12/20/2021 at 3:10 PM, Sithu said:

    Does it work on PS4?


    No, You need to be on PC to use mods

    Gunter Severloh


      On 12/30/2022 at 10:44 PM, TheBakou said:

    latest mod loader isn't made for 1311, or pirated versions, for that matter


    Stop helping thieves, just tell them to buy the game like everyone else.

    • Like 2


    Everyone stuck getting this mod to work, try this. Download and replace your old scripthook file. That seemed to be the fix for me. 

    I did also do a clean wipe of the game and start fresh. All I downloaded was the above scripthook along with the latest ASI loader, LML and this navy colt mod. You DO NOT need Lenny's Simple Trainer for it to work. 

    Gunter Severloh


    I downloaded the mod even though i use another mod that replaces the cattleman with the Navy revolver

    and that works np, but trying this mod out, i'm in Valentine and i see the gun in the catalog but i cant buy it

    its got a red lock on it.

    Any ideas as to what i need to do to unlock it?

       Do i need to remove the catalog_sp.ymt from the mod folder in lml or is there something else?




    J’ai placer le fichier Navy sur mon jeu red dead et rien ne se passe, j’ai installer le mod lenny trainer le mod marche mais je ne peut pas me give le revolver navy aider moi svp



    Whoever added mod and sees Navy revolver in a catalog, but its locked with RED LOCK - install latest Asi loader



      On 1/2/2023 at 4:56 AM, Gunter Severloh said:

    Stop helping thieves, just tell them to buy the game like everyone else.



    i own this game, but you come off as a pretentious loser. oh, guys, make sure those billion dollar corporations who own the most best selling fucking entertainment thing EVER get more money, please guys



    The mod just doesn't work
    Revolver doesn't appear no matter how hard I try
    I've installed everything, changed version.dll, nothing works, it just doesn't show up.
    How do I fix it ?
    Maybe there are some gurus who can tell me ? 



    what do I do with the folder the instructions are not very clear and I am not too good at modding




    I did everything in my power to make this shit work and yet its still not working

    Gunter Severloh


      On 4/1/2024 at 3:13 PM, Vocalobby said:

    I did everything in my power to make this shit work and yet its still not working


    Best move on because i did the same, it showed in the catalog at the gun store but it had a red lock on it, so that was it.

    However i do use an alternative mod that gives you the Navy Revolver that does work, see my post here:





    If you dont not know how to activate the mod first

    1. Make sure you have ModManager.UILauncher

    2. Extract the mod file(if its a compressed folder)

    3. Go to your downloads and then see if you have the mods folders(without the zip icon)

    4.Load up modmanager and then put the main game folder on rdr2 

    5. After this go to the downloads page on modmanager

    6. Click the plus icon, and then the mod that you have unextracted(unzipped)

    7.it should be downloaded and enabled 

    8. Now put the mod in the lml folder and load up the game to test it out

    (Any issues, quote me)



      On 12/25/2023 at 3:46 PM, triptoparis said:

    The mod just doesn't work
    Revolver doesn't appear no matter how hard I try
    I've installed everything, changed version.dll, nothing works, it just doesn't show up.
    How do I fix it ?
    Maybe there are some gurus who can tell me ? 


    Find my comment at the bottom to help you



    Is there a way to merge this mod? I currently have a merge for gfa+eee+whyems installed and was wondering if there was a way to add navy revolver to the catalog.



    Можно ли этот мод совмещать с другими? Когда я посещаю этот мод в папку lml и в ней есть другие моды то он не работает 



    Hello, can anyone tell me what to do or what to look for to make a merge with another catalog. I'm Experienced in notepad to get into the files, but I don't know what to look for to Create the merge. Currently wanting to make a merge for personal use with the John Marston Restored and Enhanced Mod. any help is Greatly appreciated!



      On 5/21/2021 at 8:07 AM, Kyrious said:

    how do i make this compatible with whyems dlc. please help.





      On 4/5/2024 at 3:44 PM, Vocalobby said:

    If you dont not know how to activate the mod first

    1. Make sure you have ModManager.UILauncher

    2. Extract the mod file(if its a compressed folder)

    3. Go to your downloads and then see if you have the mods folders(without the zip icon)

    4.Load up modmanager and then put the main game folder on rdr2 

    5. After this go to the downloads page on modmanager

    6. Click the plus icon, and then the mod that you have unextracted(unzipped)

    7.it should be downloaded and enabled 

    8. Now put the mod in the lml folder and load up the game to test it out

    (Any issues, quote me)


    I did everything provided here and it still isnt popping up in any gunstore that i go to



      On 9/11/2022 at 10:51 PM, gamerdoggo16 said:

    It doesnt show up at all in the valentine or saint denis gunsmith (havent checked other gunsmiths but idk why they'd be different) i have lml, outfit changer and lenny's simple trainer all installed and nothing. I put the revolver folder into lml and still but it doesnt work. help..?


    did you find out a solution?



      On 1/22/2025 at 6:36 AM, RedHarlow89 said:

    Howdy partners!
    I finally resolved the Navy Revolver issue

    Just follow the instructions in the file that I attached.

    navy_revolver_sp_2 fixed.rar 2.46 MB · 3 downloads

    "It never was about the money"



    This fix has not worked for me. Game now won't load my save, but not only that, it completely crashes my desktop so I can't even use Task Manager.

    • Sad 1


    Well, that happened to me at beginning Now try using a different scripthook.dll, as that fixed my crashing game. However, do not use another dimput.dll or version.dll other than the ones I provide, and remember to always back up your files.

    Much of this process is trial and error.

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