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RDR2 Euphoria Modding Essentials 2.0.0

Tutorial Euphoria Ragdoll Gore
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Updated 10/28/2024

This tutorial contains basic explanations, examples, a (mostly) translated version of physicstasks.ymt, a (mostly) translated version of weapons.ymt, templates for Euphoria messages and parameters, all messages as Notepad++ snippets and a mod template for LML!

Everything you need to know to create your own Euphoria mod for RDR2 and GTA5!

Simply download the .zip file, open it, and click on installation.pdf to get started!

Edited by AnymYo

What's New in Version 2.0.0   See changelog



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    I really appreciate this man. But I have to admit I'm Struggling. If (and I don't even know if it's possible) there is a Euphoria Mod that I enjoy for GTA 5 (For me It's RAGE Euphoria) as it's the only Mod that keeps the AI on their feet longer. Is there a way to use the "physicstasks.ymt" & "weapons.meta" from Said GTA 5 Euphoria Mod and use it in Red Dead 2. Or can it only serve as inspiration (Not pasting the GTA 5 Mod lines into a "physicstasks.ymt" & "weapons.meta" files made for Red Dead 2?


    Thanks for reading this and hopefully you can get back to me! 

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    In theory, you can simply copy over all messages with their parameters in the equal task (Normal(GTA5) to Normal(RDR2), Base(GTA5) to Base(RDR2)). But there are many non-message parameters which have a different configuration in RDR2 than in GTA5. Also there are non-message parameters in RDR2 which are not in GTA5, these could affect the result. You need keep 2 additional things in mind. First, the start parameter from GTA5 is different. The start parameter from GTA5 wont work with RDR2, so you need to replace it with the start parameter from RDR2. Second, If you want to create something with it, you should ask the creator for permission (just want to mention it after I told you that you can copy/paste it in theory 😛 )

    If you want to keep NPCs longer on the feet, you have several options to do that:
    - increase the value from "MinimumShotReactionTimeAIMS" to keep NPCs longer in the euphoria sequence.
    - Add the "Bouyancy" Message with start parameter "true" to the desired task.
    - Add the "stayUpright" Message with a precise configuration (you will find out with the help of behaviours.xml and while testing it ingame).
    - Avoid messages which are causing the NPC to fall (staggerfall, upperbodyflinch, a too high bullet push, and so on).
    - Keep in mind that several tasks are connected to each other (like "revolver -> setFallingReactionInjured -> fatallyInjured") and will carry over messages also.
    So even if you take your "revolver" task clean from messages which are causing the NPC to fall, keep in mind that the game will also execute all messages from "setFallingReactionInjured" and (if the NPC health is 0) "fatallyInjured". If there is "staggerfall" or "configureBalance" with a limited amount of steps or balancing time in "setFallingReactionInjured", the NPC will still fall after you shoot it with a revolver (because the order of the rasks is "revolver" -> "setFallingReactionInjured" -> "fatallyInjured" )...

    Just add the message "staggerFall" and set the start-parameter to "false" to deactivate it for a certain task to prevent the game from executing the message.

    I hope that helps a little bit 🙂



    Hey mate. Been screwing around with this (while admittedly being pretty clueless haha.)

    I mismatched a bunch of stuff / lines and I'm getting somewhat results but still having great difficulty.

    Don't want to be a pain (And don't know how hard it would be) But would you ever consider releasing a Euphoria (Maybe Spin off) update, with NPC's just staying upright and soaking up damage? Similar to that of Rage Euphoria for GTA V.

    I wouldn't be so cheeky but I've been trying for like half a year to get results and I'm at a Dead-end.


    If you'd ever consider it I'd be very grateful, Anyway Thanks man :)! 




    Sorry for posting again. I've been going through your tutorial and trying to get the results I'm looking for, but getting nowhere.

    If I didn't want anything special and just to Keep enemies upright (soaking up damage and not fall down for the longest time) Would you mind giving me the exact lines I need to edit so I can fiddle with the values? Adding lines and "messages" and so on is really confusing me. 

    I've been finding the lines like "Stay Upright" and setting them all to false (Which I now know is wrong) But I'm pretty clueless.

    Sorry for hassling you but if you could give some guidance I'd really appreciate it.

    Thanks mate.



    Sorry, Im really busy at the moment. If I have time, Im working on the last C.E.R.R update which is making NPCs stable and has Improved falling reactions (after you shot an enemy). Go to the "behaviours.xml" file. All parameters there have a little description. Just use "configureBalance" with 50 seconds of balancing time and 100 steps in combination with stayUpright (try velocityBased), a low bullet force and also put staggerFall with startparameter "false" to the desired weapon task. This will keep enemys on their feet while you shoot them.



    On 9/3/2022 at 7:09 PM, AnymYo said:

    Hey. I appreciate the Reply but I'm out my depth tbh. I've gone down the Physicstask and configured every "Configure Balance" I could find but I don't know what lines correlate to the Value that needs changing. I see a value one or two lines below it so I change it. 

    I've spent hours reading the tutorial and trying to get grasps with it (And at points I think I've got it) Then I go to edit the "Physicstask" and the amount of Lines is overwhelming for me. I search for something to change but I don't know when one "Section" ends and another begins haha.

    I'll keep on giving it a go, I just wish I could understand the steps you very kindly gave me.

    Knowing it's possible like you said in your reply : "This will keep enemies on their feet while you shoot them" kills me that I can't get it working.

    I'll keep trying but it feels a bit pointless atm as I've spent hours editing lines and I'm still not getting the results.


    Anyway thanks for the help though, you went out your way and I appreciate it 




    Thank you for making a contribution!!!

    • Like 1


    do u have like a discord or sum to walk me through this



    On 11/20/2024 at 10:32 PM, snoopcat said:

    do u have like a discord or sum to walk me through this

    I have.
    Same name like here.

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