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Walk Speed Control & Auto-Walk 1.1.4

Control Character & Horse Walk Speed with Mouse-Wheel. Also has Auto-Walk.
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2 Screenshots

First of, i know there are similar mods. But one had no UI & the one with UI did not behaved like i wanted. So i decided to make my own one & added auto walk on top.

This Mod allows you to control your Walk-Speed with your Mouse-/Scroll-Wheel including a UI element. Also has a Auto-Walk/Run Button. UI poisition, hotkeys, stepsize, .... customizable.

Checkout the "WalkSpeedControl.ini" to edit Hotkeys, UI Position, etc.

As of 1.1.0, it also works with Horses. It also works when you travel to a waypoint using cinematic camera, just make sure that you do not have enabled Auto-Walk to make it work. The controls while automatically riding in cinematic mode are a bit weird, like you have to sprint fullspeed once to control the speed properly, but check it out yourself, pretty easy to get used to it.

To make it clear. The Auto-Walk the mod has is just automatically walk straight forward, not following a waypoint or anything.

Vehicles will probably stay unsupported, i cannot figure out how to properly set speeds without the vehicle flying away ^^

Default Hotkeys

F10 - Toggle Mod

F11 - Toggle UI

    ~ - Toggle Auto-Walk. It's VK_OEM_3(192) by default, which is ~ on US Layout the Key below ESC, left from 1.
    On German Keyboard Layout, at this Position, it would be ^, which would need to set the key to VK_OEM_5(220).
    Checkout the links in the .ini for more information. You can set this to any other key for sure. Just the OEM Keys
    have good positions, so i used that.


 F8 - Toggle Horse-Support (Horse-Support can be entirely disabled in the ini)

The bar colors indicate the state. Green is walking, blue is jogging, orange is run, red is sprint(anything above 2.0, while orange is only at exactly 2.0)

Edited by Taki7o7
Added another Hotkey Info

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You don't have any installation instructions and this can't be installed with LML. Please update your mod description with installation instructions, thanks.

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