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Critical Hits 1.4.4

Make combat as thrilling and punishing as you want! With tons of customization options.
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Receive critical hits, take extra damage based on where you were hit, fall over from hits, get injured, bleed, die and more! With tons of customization. Your horse can also take crits and do epic falls with you!

Make combat as thrilling and punishing as you want!

What this mod can do:
(Pretty much everything is customizable in the ini)

- Increase any damage you take, based on where you were hit (or not..)
- Receive critical hits that will:
     - Do extra damage (based on where you were hit).
     - Make you fall over.
     - Make you act injured for some time.
     - Make you bleed for some time.
     - Critical head shots will make you instantly die (optional).
     - Make you fall off your horse.
- Your horse can also take critical hits and fall with you.



Download CriticalHits.rar, extract it and drop the files into your Red Dead Redemption 2 game folder.
You're going to need Script Hook By Alexander Blade.




What's New in Version 1.4   See changelog


Version 1.4:
- When shot, now you'll not just randomly fall over but the actual impact of the bullet will knock you off your feet, based on distance and what kind of weapon were used to shot you. Haven't had too much time to tweak this yet, but the idea is that occasionally you can get blasted away for example if critted by a shotgun at close range.
- "only from weapons" and "no melee crits" option are merged into CRIT_TYPES option. Set it to:
0 = receive crits only from firearms, 1 = firearms and melee, 2 = any damage can cause crits.
Same for BASE_EXTRA_DAMAGE_TYPES, which you can use to set which (non-crit) damage types should do extra damage.
Most (or hopefully all) issues regarding these options should be fixed, too (getting crits from non combat damage, melee headshot kills etc..)
- Instead of turning headshot instant death on/off, now you can set a chance for them to happen.
- After recovering from injury, both Arthur and John should return to their normal walkstyle now.
-The extra damage amount is actually fixed now, probably.


Version 1.3:
- The mod will now detect which bodypart of yours was critically hit and applies matching injury animations (I said I'm not going to do this but I did it...)
You can still set it back to random if you want to.
- Now different amount of extra damage is applied based on which body part was hit. (Customizable in the ini)
- Optional instant death from critcal head shots (turned OFF by default).
- You can set different chances of falling over based on which bodypart was hit (by default you'll 100% fall over from any crit)
- Added two new injury animations: head injury and "general" injury. General injury will not make Arthur hold any bodyparts, just act "generally" injured, grin, walk crooked, ect..
- Added BASE_EXTRA_DAMAGE option. You can use it increase ANY damage you take (turned off by default).
- Added IMMUNITY option. the amount of time you're immune to crits after taking one. (to avoid unfair deaths, 10 seconds by default)
- You can now disable any injury animation you don't want to happen.
- The extra damage wasn't calculated correctly, it's fixed now, for example if you set it to 20 it'll be 20% of your current max health for sure. (Beware: thanks to this you'll possibly going to take much more damage than before the update.)
- Getting stuck in the saddle when you recieve a crit on horseback should be mostly fixed. It can still happen sometimes but should be much improved.

1.3.1: added base damage modifiers, take different amount of extra damage from any hits based on where you were hit.










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Excelent Mod! But...Is any way to change the ragdoll power of fall? I mean, Like when I get hit by a punch in a fight. Sometimes I Feel like the character flies with that punch. But anyways Good one!...And a Suggestion, Add Critical Hits In NPC too. For Example In A Street Fight. :D <3

Edited by DariushXT
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Thank you! Sure, it's probably not perfect when you're shot either, I'll do some tweaking sometime soon-ish. 

To be honest I though it would be a waste of time to add crits for NPCs, since there are other mods that do similar things, and much more, like Ped Damage Overhaul. But I like messing with this mod so maybe I will at some point :)

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On 8/4/2021 at 7:26 AM, DariushXT said:

Excelent Mod! But...Is any way to change the ragdoll power of fall? I mean, Like when I get hit by a punch in a fight. Sometimes I Feel like the character flies with that punch. But anyways Good one!...And a Suggestion, Add Critical Hits In NPC too. For Example In A Street Fight. 😄 ❤️


On 8/4/2021 at 10:47 PM, crossed99 said:

Thank you! Sure, it's probably not perfect when you're shot either, I'll do some tweaking sometime soon-ish. 

To be honest I though it would be a waste of time to add crits for NPCs, since there are other mods that do similar things, and much more, like Ped Damage Overhaul. But I like messing with this mod so maybe I will at some point 🙂


I know how dated this convo is, but I still wanna say, I like that idea. I tried out PDO, but when I did like 30 people in that session died from me slightly bumping into them with a horse, them flopping on the ground and after 5 seconds just dying. Haven't found any other NPC damage mods that actually make sense and are fun to use that you actually notice, so I have just been playing with C.E.R.R to at least make combat look more good. Still searching for a good NPC damage mod, and if this mod added critical hits to NPCs I'd definitely include it in my save file.

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I didn't forget about this, I actually started working on it yesterday, hopefully I can upload a new version with NPC crits in a couple days. 

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You critically missed, lost your next turn and lost the rest of your ammo.


Deathclaw was critically hit for 231 hit points. The blow knocks him to the ground. Deathclaw was killed.


that's what this mod INSTANTLY reminded me of lel

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