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RDR First Response 0.1.3 Build 8158

Shoot it out with bandits, hunt down outlaws and walk the streets with a star.
   (15 reviews)

Message added by Cyan,

The latest updated version of RAGE Plugin Hook, required to play RDRFR, can be found inside the RDRFR download. It is not currently available on the RAGE Plugin Hook website. Please also make sure you have the latest version of our ASI Loader (version.dll) if you are encountering any issues.

6 Screenshots

Shoot it out with bandits, hunt down outlaws and walk the streets with a star.  RDR First Response (RDRFR) is an all new experience we've created specifically tailored for Red Dead Redemption which ties in seamlessly with the game, turning you into the law.



This first version of RDRFR puts the power of the law into your hands for the first time since Rockstar's flagship title arrived on PC.  Working in conjunction with our Patreon supporters and testers, we've built a number of core features into the mod for you to enjoy with the ability to arrest suspects, go on duty and request backup in a manner similar to LSPDFR for GTA V.  


Being tailor made towards RDR, though, there's a couple of key differences in RDRFR.  One of the new concepts we've introduced is for providing 'missions' or 'investigations' to the player.  Instead of pretending that police radios existed in the 20th Century, you'll now find that civilians within the world will summon your help the old fashioned way - in person, calling out loudly for the assistance of the law.  Similarly, there are other noticeable deviations throughout especially as it relates to arresting suspects and the interaction options available.  Instead of having separate key presses or buttons, we've tried to keep things as integrated with the game as possible: most of the features and actions in RDRFR are accessed or performed through the game's contextual prompts.


Could contain: text, font, graphics, graphic design, design, typography

Part of the First Response Mods family.

RDRFR Feature Guide

More information about the features available in RDRFR.

Installation Help & FAQ

An online guide and tutorial video for getting started with RDRFR.


Want to discuss RDRFR?  Check out the RDRFR Forums Section here: https://www.mod-rdr.com/forums/forum/6-rdr-first-response/

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      On 6/9/2022 at 11:27 AM, ajdrigs said:

    I see the last update for it was Feb 14 2020 on their patron, Is this still being worked on?


    im seeing may 3rd on this website..




    So it replaces versions.dll that asi loader uses? Any way around it?



    I cannot for the life of me get this working. Every time I launch Ragepluginhook, the game crashes immediately. Even after doing a clean install of the game and disabling antivirus it still crashes every single time. 



    So, Are Y'all still Updating this mod? Cause I really wanted to play with the Mod.



      On 9/17/2022 at 5:41 AM, Photoshop said:

    So, Are Y'all still Updating this mod? Cause I really wanted to play with the Mod.


    RDRFR was updated last Sunday, nothing should be preventing you from playing with the mod.



      On 9/17/2022 at 4:40 PM, Cyan said:

    RDRFR was updated last Sunday, nothing should be preventing you from playing with the mod.


    Rage is saying its unsupported and outdated, i can send a  Screenshot via Discord if ya wanna add me



      On 9/18/2022 at 2:22 AM, Photoshop said:

    Rage is saying its unsupported and outdated, i can send a  Screenshot via Discord if ya wanna add me


    NVM, Its no longer outdated, hopefully i can launch it and it will work this time..



    Whenever I launch it, RDR2 launchs into a black screen, then it just says  Bad Anti Virus or Insufficient Permission or Can not Hook Game Process. What do i do.. i just wanna play the mod..

    Gunter Severloh


    Try right clicking the RDR2.exe and run as administrator or go to its properties and makes sure you have privileges,

    also if you have an antivirus running then add an exception for the game.



      On 9/18/2022 at 9:12 AM, Gunter Severloh said:

    Try right clicking the RDR2.exe and run as administrator or go to its properties and makes sure you have privileges,

    also if you have an antivirus running then add an exception for the game.


    How do I check the Privileges? 

    Gunter Severloh


    Right click the RDR2.exe either run as administrator, or go to properties and then the security tab

    and make sure your the administrator there, and everything else is checked, means you have access.



    any chance we can get some more calls? Like a store robbery or bank, the older callouts dont seem to work anymore.

    Ryo Hazaki


    Hello. I'm interested in learning how to crate callouts for RDRFR. Are there any VIDEO tutorials available where I can following along? Or should I refer to LSPDFR videos for reference? Thank you for reading?


    Posted (edited)

    EDIT: Site has apparently resurfaced.


    Hello RDRFR team, I finally found the time to get back into developing mods and was wondering if any of you knew where I could find the latest version of RagePluginHook2.dll being used for RDRFR callout pack development. The website appears to be down, and I seem to have deleted my copy of it.



    Edited by SneakySteve


    Idea: Make the doors to Siska Prison Lock/Unlock, and add shackles and handcuffs option in the .ini file.

    Allow us to open the prison wagon and put arrested people in there.



    So, this mod just stopped working after the 1.0.1491.18 update. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the mod, made sure all script loaders were updated, and validated game files via Steam. Rage Plugin Hook loads fine.  But RDRFR does not load at all.



      On 6/1/2023 at 9:57 PM, idonthaveaname said:

    So, this mod just stopped working after the 1.0.1491.18 update. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the mod, made sure all script loaders were updated, and validated game files via Steam. Rage Plugin Hook loads fine.  But RDRFR does not load at all.



    Yup, I've followed all the tips and get the failed to hook error, fresh install etc 


    Posted (edited)

    Is there a way to disable F5 console upon loading the game?


    Edited by unitedOrange66


      On 8/10/2023 at 8:49 PM, unitedOrange66 said:

    Is there a way to disable F5 console upon loading the game?




    You could try to rebind the key while in-game using the console (I am not 100% if the RDR2 RPH console supports in-game rebinding, but it might).

    • Thanks 1


    I open the console but nothing happens except the screen blurs. any help would be appreciated.

    • Like 1


    I think this mod no longer works, tried everything to fix it.



    Well this could be a great mod if t worked!

    I saw to the download files after i download it and there wasn't any ''RagePluginHook.ini'' file and the ''test.exe'' file, plus that there's no ''.exe' after the RAGEPluginHook file like i'm guessing it supposed to!!

    Any suggestions please? Any advices guys??

    I try to install it, i finally did it and i did everything exactly like the guy in the tutorial video said, but when i'm activating the RAGEPluginHook, right after i'm launching the game, it says insufficient permissions!!!



    Posted (edited)

    @MorpheusKingJulien88GR This is probably too late but I managed to get this to work with the Insufficient permissions and every time I tried to start RPH with RDR2 and it got to the hooking game instance part the game would just crash. This is for anyone that has this issue.


    You need to go to your base RDR2 Folder and right click, go to properties, security, Make sure every single group/username has every check box for ALLOW except for special permission. So Authenticated Users, SYSTEM, Administrators, and Users. Go through each one and click the Edit... button then make sure everything is allowed except for the special permissions.


    Also make sure there is an exception in your anti virus for the entire RDR2 folder and that should do it. Worked for me after searching for hours.

    Edited by Aznpride486


    Im trying to run the mod but even though Rage Plugin Hooks my game successfully the mod doesnt load, from the rage logs the following is displayed:


    FATAL ERROR! Could not initialize HookManager. Could not initialize to this game   at XXXxxxXXX (Func`1 )

    Posted (edited)

    Does rdrfr latest version support v1436.28? Cause im using the cracked version.

    Edited by IlittleLuck

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