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Mexican Poncho And Javier Poncho - Talisman Replacement 1.1.2

Replaces A Talisman With RDR1-like Poncho
   (1 review)

12 Screenshots

Main File: Mexican Poncho, has clipping and it is unfixable

Optional File: Javier's Poncho, has clipping and broken physics and is unfixable

1.1.2 Fixed Black Poncho Bugs

1.1.1 Fixed The Crash On The Loading Screen

1.0.1 Added Javier's Poncho Only Option, This version is broken and crashes the game


Unfixable "Issues" Javier's Poncho Physics, Clipping


Please Join My Discord For Bug Reports And Access To My Smaller Projects


This will not be updated because it has no issues to what i know of and i will maybe make update if i get new idea for a poncho


This Mod Is Only Posted On RDR2Mods.com anywhere else it's a repost, report them if you "want to"



TheRealJohnModding: For Making Unhashed Necessities, because i used that mod's shop_items.ymt as a base for this mod


why do people even like wearing these things in red dead

Edited by Eemeli2343
did lots of changes and improvements to description

Bug Report link

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    if you have issues comment here and if you want any sort of mods i will try to make them


    Posted (edited)

    when i open the mod using winrar it has three folders 


    John Marston Expanded and enhanced


    Whyems DLC Standard edition


    Whyems DLC Easterns Epic Extras


    All three of them have an lml folder and i dont know which one to use, please tell me which one do i use, Thanks.

    Edited by bongokingbull


    @bongokingbull you need a clothing mod because the shop_items.ymt is responsible for what models the talismans use. i recommend getting john marston restored and enhanced because its made for john marston and the poncho fits the best on john it also fits arthur but with arthur you need to use the union suit to avoid clipping and whyems and whyemss+eee cause crashes and ruin the lods so just go for john marston restored and enhanced because its a rdr1 poncho made for john



    @bongokingbull here are the link for all of them


    John Marston Restored And Enhanced https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/2050


    Whyems DLC Standard edition https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/671


    Whyems DLC Easterns Epic Extras https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iF9rR97T6OQ9ZXJNSa4o_W6jSOmD6X8H/view


    you can decide what you want i dont care its your opinion but i wouldnt go for whyems standard i recommed jmre u could get whyems+eee if you really want the clothes



    the problem for me is that I already have a lml folder, so I can't put your lml folder in without getting rid of my last one and I can't take the files out of your lml folder and put it in mine, it won't work, all I'm wanting is Javiers mexican poncho and after building a alligator tooth talisman which took forever it just doesn't show up which sucks, at the very least post a video on how to install it



      On 4/23/2024 at 12:32 AM, AlexanderPeirce said:

    the problem for me is that I already have a lml folder, so I can't put your lml folder in without getting rid of my last one and I can't take the files out of your lml folder and put it in mine, it won't work, all I'm wanting is Javiers mexican poncho and after building a alligator tooth talisman which took forever it just doesn't show up which sucks, at the very least post a video on how to install it


    put the mods lml folder into the normal rdr2 folder and nothing will happen it will only just load the mod files in the arleady existing lml folder



      On 4/24/2024 at 6:27 PM, bongokingbull said:

    put the mods lml folder into the normal rdr2 folder and nothing will happen it will only just load the mod files in the arleady existing lml folder



      On 4/23/2024 at 12:32 AM, AlexanderPeirce said:

    the problem for me is that I already have a lml folder, so I can't put your lml folder in without getting rid of my last one and I can't take the files out of your lml folder and put it in mine, it won't work, all I'm wanting is Javiers mexican poncho and after building a alligator tooth talisman which took forever it just doesn't show up which sucks, at the very least post a video on how to install it


    and have a clothing mod like the creator said i hope what i said works for u bc this is a good mod



    @AlexanderPeirce you can use rampage and go to "character stats/items/talismans and then add it to inventory



    @AlexanderPeirce you need another clothing mod like eee+whyem or jmre for the model to work and put the lml in there the textures are in stream which dont require other mods but the model does require another mod i was gonna originally make a standalone version but the shop_items.ymt was encrypted so i couldnt tell what was what



    Dear author, I'm sorry for my stupidity, but tell me what I'm doing wrong. So, I'm throwing all the necessary files of the John Marston Restored And Enhanced version for my mod. When entering the game, the mascots do not change. What am I doing wrong? And is it possible that the EEE mod is preventing me from installing it?



    maybe there is a video tutorial on installing your wonderful mod



      On 4/9/2024 at 11:23 AM, Eemeli2343 said:

    if you have issues comment here and if you want any sort of mods i will try to make them


    Firstly, Thankyou for this poncho mod exactly what i was looking for. Not an issue because I know Javiers poncho causes clipping but with rampage do you know of any way I'm able to more minimize clipping with Arthur. i prefer the physics even with clipping just wanted to know if you have any idea for a solution. possibly a different body type mod? 




      On 4/23/2024 at 12:32 AM, AlexanderPeirce said:

    the problem for me is that I already have a lml folder, so I can't put your lml folder in without getting rid of my last one and I can't take the files out of your lml folder and put it in mine, it won't work, all I'm wanting is Javiers mexican poncho and after building a alligator tooth talisman which took forever it just doesn't show up which sucks, at the very least post a video on how to install it


    do you have any idea how the file explorer works? as long as you don't have the same files as in this mod's lml folder it doesn't replace the folder it just adds what is in the mod's lml folder into the lml folder you put it in.



    @tuesday yeah but i feel like you know but you need to have the mod the folder is named after and install the mod then add the lml from my mod to you root because it edits the shop_items of the mod of your choice which is jmre whyem and whyem+eee merge



      On 4/9/2024 at 11:23 AM, Eemeli2343 said:

    if you have issues comment here and if you want any sort of mods i will try to make them


    i think you have mistaken and put two same file into one 

    the javier optional file are the same with john which make it also john poncho instead of javier 😃 hope you fix it soon




    @sieunhan i didnt mistake it i put the javier code into the ymt that also has johns code for it so theyre both in the same file so the optional file basically adds it to the base mod because its not a full version of the mod its like a addon for the main mod basically


    Posted (edited)


      On 6/15/2024 at 12:46 AM, Eemeli2343 said:

    @sieunhan i didnt mistake it i put the javier code into the ymt that also has johns code for it so theyre both in the same file so the optional file basically adds it to the base mod because its not a full version of the mod its like a addon for the main mod basically



    Man, were did you learn to mod rdr2? Searching for some infos but I only find stuff about scripting events in visual basic

    Edited by Mr.White
    Johhny marston


    hello, I have a problem that when I have the poncho equipped when I go in first person the poncho turns black can you please help me?





    @Johhny marston im pretty sure its because you have too many texture mods in stream also terrain texture mods cause that so avoid using them it used to happen to me in third person and first person it should fix it if not then you have shop_items.ymt conflicts



    Is it normal for johns hair to disappear? It only happens to him. When I load in my Arthur save, his hair is fine. I drew a little picture so you know what I mean. Ik my art skills are spectacular.

    Could contain: drawing, sketch, child art, clipart, illustration, cartoon



    @MYBOY its most likely not a bug with this mod do you use anything like whyem or jmrp or like rdoff they dont work with this you need to merge them, the mod shouldnt have any bugs at all if does its a conflict or caused by another mod

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