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1 Screenshot

About This File

Removes all screen effects that occur with dead eye, eagle eye, tonic consumption, drunk character...


Requires Lennys Mod Loader. For installation put the Remove Screen Effects folder inside lml folder.


If your are using some weird resolution and the screen is black during cutscenes or black bars are not gone completely, open cameras.ymt file with the notepad, go to line 46341 or search for this: <UNK_MEMBER_0xAE00384B. Raise the value until the black screen disappears or lower it until black bars are gone. It is set to "1.77800000" at the moment. Default value was "2.35000000". 


Version 1.1:  -fixed cameras
                     -fixed minigames
                     -disabled camera sway


Version 1.2: -fixed mission Home of the Gentry
                     -knock out an npc effect removed
                     -player hit by bullets effect removed
                     -dead eye critical area effect removed
                     -removed cameras.ymt file ( use other mods to disable camera shake)

Version 1.2.1: -fixed mission Home of the Gentry in Eagle Eye And Dead Eye versions


Version 1.3: -disabled weapon wheel filter


Version 1.3.1: -removed auto-aim for the rifles when locked on a ped

Remove camera shake:

Version 1.1: -fixed camera auto-align on horse
                     -fixed camera while swimming

Version 1.2:  -removes top and bottom black bars on ultra wide screens


Version 1.3: -camera can now be moved freely when you lock on another ped for interaction (auto-aim is now disabled)
                     -reduced death cam duration


Version 1.4: -disabled Dead Eye when dueling
                     -removed effects when waking up (too much drinking)




Edited by bojevnik

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    Bro anyway to keep all the other effects disabled and keep only enable eagle eye? Great mod tho



    Yep, made another version with only eagle eye enabled...


    Posted (edited)


    I found a bug: for some reason dual wielding pistols on horse (shooting and aiming) causing camera go underneath the horse.


    Using main version of the mod.


    Yt video


    Also: Can this mod be extended with turned off deadeye weak points highlights for both human and animals? 

    Edited by SerjRozov

    Posted (edited)

    Can this mod be adjusted to disable the falling and ground impact screen shaking, also I wud like a version which keeps the kill-cam affect?

    Edited by 354ve67h8u6ftft4rRDCFHN3Q4


    Camera shake seems to be back since the game updated, everything else is still working fine though. 

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