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Hunting Wagon 1.1

Allows you to store pelts & hunted animals on the back of a hunting wagon.
   (2 reviews)

8 Screenshots

Hunting Wagon V1.1

Requires Script Hook RDR2


Hold down the "Stow" prompt when close to the hunting wagon (around the back) when holding a pelt/animal (default key E & X/Square on controller). You can only do this on the hunting wagon that spawns at your camp. It doesn't work on other wagons.

Hold Z on keyboard or LS/L3 on pad when near the wagon or player camp fire to open the Hunting Wagon menu.

Camp fire menu - Menu prompt shows on portable camp fire and the one in camp you can craft at.
Call for Wagon - Spawns the wagon on a nearby road at your current location.
Send to Camp - When you no longer need the wagon and want it back at your camp. Stuff stored in the wagon will be lost.

Wagon is at camp - Menu prompt shows when near the Hunting Wagon.
Replace Wagon - Change the wagon to a different type. Only wagons with doors are supported at this time.
Style - Change lanterns, set wagon style for supported wagons. Style is saved to the wagon.
Repair - Fix and set wagon to full health.
Door - Open and close wagon back door.

Long Whistle for Wagon - Hold down the whistle (default H/Dpad up) for longer than usual to spawn wagon at a nearby road (Same as Call for Wagon).
Reset All Saved Settings - Resets wagon styles & settings to default.

Settings are saved to \Documents\Rockstar Games\Red Dead Redemption 2\hunting_wagon.ini


The stuff you store in the hunting wagon doesn't save yet. So when you reload game or die you will lose stuff stored in the wagon.
No throw animation.
The physics of the pelts/animals might mess with wagon and glitch out. Big birds especially.


Install the latest Script Hook RDR2 copy both dinput8.dll & ScriptHookRDR2.dll and place them into the root of your the Red Dead Redemption 2 install folder.

Install Hunting Wagon by extracting hunting_wagon.asi and placing it into the root of your Red Dead Redemption 2 install folder.

Alexander Blade - Script Hook RDR2
zorg93 - Script research
unknownmodder/alloc8or - Script/Native research
jedijosh920 - Native research
EvilB - Code & Native research
Slinky - Testing

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    • Thanks 1


    Now THIS is what I'm talking about! Any possibility of the throwing anim ever working or is that something modders still have to figure out?  Will we have to wait for OpenIV to become more robust with RDR2?




    Now this is something worth keeping in the game

    • Thanks 1


      On 12/11/2019 at 8:38 PM, HGMIV said:

    Now THIS is what I'm talking about! Any possibility of the throwing anim ever working or is that something modders still have to figure out?  Will we have to wait for OpenIV to become more robust with RDR2?



    Thanks, yeah exactly that, when we have OpenIV it will be a lot easier to find stuff like that.

    • Thanks 1


    ThreeSocks this is amazing!  Any chance to get the online stable slots/horses into SP?



      On 12/16/2019 at 11:43 PM, LMS said:

    What exactly would you need for that to work? Just the ability to spawn them in or something more advanced like being recognized as player's horse?


    Getting them spawned is simple enough using the models but if you want them to save it would need some memory edits. I haven't looked into it much but the shop_horse_shop_sp script seems to be whitelisting allowed horses.



    not working 



    Nice mod, but could you make it so that you can get weapons off the wagon like you can your horse?



    Does this work in the endgame after the epilogues? I have it installed and I'm not seeing the wagon spawning anywhere. 



      On 1/4/2020 at 3:59 AM, anotherfatgeek said:

    Does this work in the endgame after the epilogues? I have it installed and I'm not seeing the wagon spawning anywhere. 


    Yes it does. Check asiloader.log in game install folder and make sure hunting_wagon.asi is being loaded. Check if the hunting wagon prompt shows on camp fire too.


    Posted (edited)

    Really good mod! Is there anyway to get the animals off the wagon? I just open the door and let them slide out, so it's kind of annoying. 

    Edit: Just found out I could climb in the back, I tried before and it didn't work.

    Edited by AbjectLlama


    Sorry if my skills are limited but i am really having problems getting this mod to work, i have followed the instructions to the best if my knowledge. I either have rdr2 launch error, game launches without wagon being active, unexpected files warning, so now I am trying through the mod manager and its "configuration text loading".

    If anybody has any experience with this and may be able to shed some light on the subject i would be eternally grateful. 



    Lovely mod 😍 with those small treasures the game is much better, thank you very much!!



    Great mod, but seems if I have more than 2 items in it things start to despawn.



    Any way to stop the stuff from rotting? I have all the Talismans but everything rots so fast. Also as I am driving the wagon a trail of carcasses is behind me forcing me to hop out and out them all back in again.



    Crashing when trying to open or close door to wagon. Also missing option to change wagon in menu. Also, is the mod dead? Shame if so.



    Used long whistle to call the cart back over to me and lost 4 Legendary animal pelts, They're not in my wagon and they didnt drop at the spot where the cart originally was, Any way I can get the lost pelts back? Because I've already killed the animals so I can't hunt them again, Am I stuck loading an early save where I didnt have any of the pelts?



    Nice Mod !!

    I have a " stupid " question ... how can I unload the wagon ?



      On 1/3/2024 at 8:12 PM, TibousTI said:

    Nice Mod !!

    I have a " stupid " question ... how can I unload the wagon ?


    Not a stupid question, it seems the only way to do this would be to climb into the back and grab the animals from the back.  


    I have made some updates to the existing code to make it so there is now a button prompt to remove the animals from the back of the wagon (much like on your horse) so you can easily get them out without jumping into the back.  

    https://github.com/shaylanger/RDR2-Hunting-Wagon/releases download the hunting_wagon.zip file and unzip it. Then put the hunting_wagon.asi file into the game directory (or if you already have this mod installed replace hunting_wagon.asi)



    I have made some updates to the existing code to make it so there is now a button prompt to remove the animals from the back of the wagon (much like on your horse) so you can easily get them out without jumping into the back.  


    https://github.com/shaylanger/RDR2-Hunting-Wagon/releases download the hunting_wagon.zip file and unzip it and install by dropping in game folder, overwriting the old file.


    I am currently trying to figure out how I can make it so you can sell directly from the back of the wagon instead of having to do them 1 by 1. But i've never modded Rdr2 before so if anyone has any idea that would be awesome! Or feedback / requests let me know.

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