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Armadillo Restoration Community Project 3.0

Enhances Armadillo like the original game!
   (6 reviews)

6 Screenshots


Armadillo Restoration Community Project


The Armadillo Restoration Community Project introduces a series of enhancements to bring Armadillo back to the heart of the original title. This mod adds a wide array of features to make Armadillo feel like home again—a place where John Marston in Red Dead Redemption 2 can experience the town in a more complete and authentic way.

With over ten people involved in the project, we've spent many months developing this mod to revive the nostalgia of this beloved town for the community. One of the key updates includes restoring cut content, such as the now-accessible Armadillo Bank, which features open and close times that match how banks operate in the game. Additionally, the town is no longer littered with fire pits, and we've introduced new props and numerous other improvements.


Note, the entirely this mod was created with the game files. This is not a Map Editor or Rampage project; everything runs from Lenny's Mod Loader. 


What are the features of this mod?

  • You can now enter the Armadillo Bank, which includes open and close times from 8 AM to 2 AM.
  • The town now features a working law system ported from Red Dead Online.
  • Fire pits scattered around the town have been removed.
  • Some debris props and other decals, such as vomit on surfaces, have been removed.
  • The doors at the train station have been removed to match the original game's look.
  • Updates have been made to the saloon, including cleaner floors (no vomit, shattered glass, etc.).
  • New lanterns have been added to provide improved lighting during the night.
  • Some dynamic events have been disabled (only the cholera-related ones).
  • Cholera posters throughout the town have been removed.
  • There are no damaged props (e.g., horse hitching posts, chairs).
  • A new start-up screen video featuring Armadillo with improved scenery has been added.


Mod Requirements 


Installing the mod

Before installing the mod, make sure to have already installed Lenny's Mod Loader, the ASI Loader and ScriptHookRDR2. Please also make sure you're running from the latest version of Lenny's Mod Loader, some older versions may not work with this mod. 


  1. Navigate to your game directory
  2. Locate the folder 'lml', this was included with Lenny's Mod Loader   
  3. Copy over the Armadillo Restoration Community Project folder from the download into the lml folder


The installation isd now complete and you're now ready to play. Please report any problems to the thread for any issues. 


Thanks to these people for their huge collaborations to the mod's development, this project wouldn't have been possible without these amazing community members:


  • @bolmin  - Developed an ASI script to spawn a Bank Cashier and includes open and closing routines for the Bank in the town
  • @Blackjack420 - developed a new law system for the town
  • @dick hertz - Assisted with removal of smoke coverage above Armadillo and helped with Quality Assurance 
  • @LMS - This mod wouldn't be a here without LMS's work. Lenny's Mod Loader made this mod possible. LMS strived to help me and other people in the community in any way he could to make the mods the best they can be.
  • @Modifiver - created the scenarios and added a sheriff officer within the town, thus allows for NPCs to report crimes and removed all sickness related scenarios
  • @pariah87 - massively helped addressed the collision for the bonfire pits and addressed an issue where the LOD for the Armadillo Train Station can cause the removed doors to return if a player slightly distances themselves from the building (and also assisting QA)
  • @SgtJoe - developed a script to disable the dynamic cholera events in Armadillo 
  • @Senexis (Bob Ross) - providing a DataLines file for OpenIV to obtain object data in PSO files
  • FiveM Team - for the RedM texture conversion tool for RSC8  
  • @VideoTechLeading the project



Edited by VideoTech

  • Like 7

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      On 7/15/2021 at 8:47 PM, 354ve67h8u6ftft4rRDCFHN3Q4 said:

    How come the mod was removed from the Nexus?


    I prefer to keep the mod here, it's a lot easer to keep things updated on this site. Nexus is a huge pain to use 



      On 7/15/2021 at 8:49 PM, VideoTech said:

    I prefer to keep the mod here, it's a lot easer to keep things updated on this site. Nexus is a huge pain to use 


    You could just reveal the mod, and have a link to this site to show where it will be getting updated.



    My game refuses to load with this mod. It just freezes



    2021-07-30 01:22:32.8432|WARN|????????????????????????????????????????|Duplicated resource for path Ymap/Cholera_Posters_Remove/arm_05_cholera.ymap in <UnnamedReplacementCollection_0> with same type: only using first 
    2021-07-30 01:22:32.8432|WARN|????????????????????????????????????????|Use allowDuplicate="true" to load all 
    2021-07-30 01:22:32.8432|WARN|????????????????????????????????????????|Duplicated resource for path Rad Video/chollaSprings03_crop.bk2.bk2 in <UnnamedReplacementCollection_0> with same type: only using first 
    2021-07-30 01:22:32.8432|WARN|????????????????????????????????????????|Use allowDuplicate="true" to load all 
    2021-07-30 01:22:32.8432|WARN|????????????????????????????????????????|Duplicated resource for path Ymap/Bonfire_Remove/0x822EF982.ymap in <UnnamedReplacementCollection_0> with same type: only using first 
    2021-07-30 01:22:32.8432|WARN|????????????????????????????????????????|Use allowDuplicate="true" to load all 
    2021-07-30 01:22:32.8432|WARN|????????????????????????????????????????|Duplicated resource for path Ymap/Bonfire_Remove/0xE20ED709.ymap in <UnnamedReplacementCollection_0> with same type: only using first 
    2021-07-30 01:22:32.8432|WARN|????????????????????????????????????????|Use allowDuplicate="true" to load all 
    2021-07-30 01:22:32.8432|WARN|????????????????????????????????????????|Duplicated resource for path Ymap/Map_Metadata/arm_02_strm_0.ymap in <UnnamedReplacementCollection_0> with same type: only using first 
    2021-07-30 01:22:32.8432|WARN|????????????????????????????????????????|Use allowDuplicate="true" to load all 


    I get these and they cause the game to crash... Any idea to fix this? 



    How do I install this?



    Will the mod be updated for Lenny's Mod Loader Beta 9 anytime soon? Can't wait to use it with all my other mods.



    Game crash when playing poker in Valentine.



    Hmm my game crashes when I'm near valentine. Any ideas why? Removing this mod fixes the crashing. This are all the lml mods I'm using.





    ARCP at the moment is for lml 8. I assume you updated to lml 9 and thats my guess why it isnt working.



      On 8/2/2021 at 3:14 PM, lo4memes said:

    ARCP at the moment is for lml 8. I assume you updated to lml 9 and thats my guess why it isnt working.


    Tried using lml 8 but the game still crashes when near Valentine



      On 8/3/2021 at 9:54 AM, Tampy said:

    Tried using lml 8 but the game still crashes when near Valentine


    LML 8 crashes randomly anyway. I'd wait till a patch for ARCP



    This mod doesn't change anything within Valentine, nor outside of New Austin. It's absolutely not on the mod side. 

    Dutch Van Der Linde


    as for lots of people it keeps crashing when i go into valentine it never crashed before when i went there but suddenly when i download this it crashes there everything else works fine in armadillo


    Posted (edited)


    Edited by VideoTech


    I have tried everything to make the mod work, but it just crashes every time I enter New Austin. I've taken away all my mods, done a reinstall of LML, Scripthook and ASI Loader, yet nothing. I have tested it with both Arthur and John and nothing works. I'm really just desperate for a way to fix it at this point, I really want to see Armadillo.



    Well, I guess this mod is just permanently broken now unless someone else picks it up


    Posted (edited)

    I will look into the issue and will update everyone when a fix is applied. 

    Edited by VideoTech


    Found the issue, Rockstar made new updates to the popzone file, but due to the fact the mod was using the outdated file, it was causing the game to crash. An update should be out soon to address this, sorry for the wait folks.



    Issue has now been addressed, enjoy 🙂 



    Nice, its back up!

    • Like 1


    i followd every step in your video, this one but i can not download anything it keep saying error, what am i doing wrong?


    i hope anyone can help me

    kind regards!!





    Posted (edited)


    Edited by VideoTech


    Is this compatible with Project New Austin? I would imagine so since the Mod Owner is part of this Community Project



      On 2/2/2023 at 4:41 AM, Hahaxd said:

    Is this compatible with Project New Austin? I would imagine so since the Mod Owner is part of this Community Project


    I would like to know this too. Right now I'm using only Project New Austin as I'm afraid it would conflict with this project.



    @Videotech  Are you still actively working on the project? Would be very welcome, since Armadillo with PNA1907 is bugged as hell.

    A lot of times the player gets invisible, or the interior get invisible, or the game crashes in Armadillo.

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