Photo Mode Converter
Easily convert photo-mode pictures!
By pointerboy in Tools
- 1.8k
- 21.7k
- 8
AM&JM Transport
Buy your own wagon or stage and transport people / goods, and fight bandits to make an honest living
No VRAM Warning Message
Removes annoying VRAM message.
By WesternGamer in Misc
- 3.3k
- 21.5k
- 2
The Cowhand Fix
LML CompatibleFixes a bug in the Epilogue where The Cowhand outfit would not appear when stored on your horse.
Restore Liver Chestnut Hungarian Half-Bred
LML CompatibleRestores the Liver Chestnut Hungarian Half-Bred
RDR2 Texture Toolkit
A tool forked off of Neodymium's GTA5 Texture Toolkit, that allows you to create RDR2 texture files
By WesternGamer in Tools
- 2.8k
- 37k
- 1
A.E.M (Authentic Euphoria Motions)
LML CompatibleThis mod makes euphoria motions feel more authentic
By VolaticWolf in Misc
- 12.6k
- 52.1k
- 6
Old Lantern
A mod to replace the normal lantern with the lantern that Arthur uses in the first mission.
By WesternGamer in Scripts
- 1.2k
- 13.9k
- 1
Simple and Realistic Lighting and Color Correction (Reshade With No Performance Loss)
By Reshade Guy in Misc
- 8.9k
- 50.2k
- 2
Perfect Landscapes Reshade
Beautiful atmosphere for RDR2
By Reshade Guy in Misc
- 7.6k
- 49.6k
- 0
Take NPC's Hostage
Take NPC's hostage like you can take that one prison guard hostage when rescuing John from prison.