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  • FEATURES Crimes 1. Minor crimes are disabled, lawmen now ignores you commiting minor crimes 2. Wilderness is now completely lawless, you can commit whatever crimes without getting wanted 3. Train robbery is no longer an instant wanted Bounty Hunter 1. Reduced the chance for dogs to accompany bounty hunters 2. U.S Marshall (level 4) and Pinkerton Agent (level 5/max bounty) will now hunt you down once you incurred enough bounty Witness 1. Witness Is now limited to 1. Once you stop the

    By natsutwt


    • 116.5k
    • 365.2k
  • Download here: https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/1088

    By TuffyTown


    • 13.5k
    • 203.2k
  • list: Arthur's chp 1 Winter outfit, closed coat replaces the open variant, gunbelt and holster replaces the upgraded one John's chapter 1 Western Coat, Replaces the open variant Gilded Cage's tuxedo, replaces black duster coat (for now) John's wedding outfit, hat replaces Johns gambler hat, coat replaces uncle's frock coat, you can use JMRP vest and tie Police Outfit, hat replace brown bowler hat, uniform replaces blue union shirt, holster and gunbelt replaces the weathered Whittemor

    By Blackjack420


    • 18.8k
    • 143.8k
  • If you liked my other mod "all shots cause bleedouts", then you'll like this too.   From The makers of "All Shots Cause Bleedouts" This mod gives combat way more realism. There are 3 options to choose from, including : lower bullet force lower bullet force + peds dont get up instantly after being shot %100 bleedout chance (every shot will cause a bleedout) Gut shots (inflicts huge pain realistically, so when you shoot a ped in the gut, they will hold their guts for a second a

    By Professor2


    • 36.8k
    • 179.2k
  • Available for download Leather Gunslinger Jacket  (Special thanks to pintailduck100) Brown on Brown Gunslinger Jacket (Optional) Black Weathered Winter Gunslinger Coat Grizzlies Outlaw Coat Retexture Dark Ram baby The Black on Brown Gunslinger Jacket Lenny's Gunslinger Jacket Revisited  Please note that i do not accept requests; i made these for my playthrough and decided to share them. Installation  Lenny's Mod Loader If

    By WhyEm


    • 109.7k
    • 313.5k
  • Armadillo Restoration Community Project   The Armadillo Restoration Community Project introduces a series of enhancements to bring Armadillo back to the heart of the original title. This mod adds a wide array of features to make Armadillo feel like home again—a place where John Marston in Red Dead Redemption 2 can experience the town in a more complete and authentic way. With over ten people involved in the project, we've spent many months developing this mod to revive the nostalg

    By VideoTech


    • 18.9k
    • 157.5k
  • Youtube: This is a ymap file that have been published in my discord to early access for my patreons. Discord: https://discord.gg/xjKaHXJfnH Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ruskivotka *** HOX My patreons does not get any extra ymaps. Patreon is only to support my work, early access to content and patreon-chat in my discord! ***

    By Ruskivotka


    • 7.8k
    • 98.8k
  • This mod skips the legal menu and the main menu and puts you directly into story mode. Since this mod tells the game to replace certain files, Red Dead Online is disabled when you install this mod to prevent the risk of being banned due to modified game files. Any attempt to connect to Red Dead Online will redirect you to story mode. Attempting to open the online menu in the pause menu will cause you to get softlocked.  NOTE: When the loading bar disappears, you will be on a black screen fo

    By WesternGamer


    • 39.8k
    • 222.3k
  •   Brings back those classic RDR1 locations and adds new life to those already in the game, making a more believable 1907 version of the map. Also includes that gritty, spaghetti western New Austin color scheme from the first game. All locations are complete with peds, increased rider density, and RDR1 accurate layouts with as much detail as possible.  Bolmin70 for his ped loader and bank interior script Follow him on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/bolmin VideoTech for

    By DickHertz


    • 24.8k
    • 119.4k
  • A mod that changes some of the textures and models of the cowboy outfit, making it more accurate to the Red Dead Redemption Cowboy outfit.   Compatible with the John Marston Restoration Project.   Installation: Download the latest version of Lenny's Mod Loader and put the folder "LML" in the game's directory.



    • 16.4k
    • 238.4k
  • Update 1.3: Blood Money out now! This mod brings all the good stuff from Red Dead Online to singleplayer and allows you to access it via the various vendors in the game. You can of course still use a trainer to access these items, but we have spent a lot of time to make everything fit in with singleplayer naturally so we believe this is the best way to experience this mod. The special weapons from MP are unlocked from the start, but only available at select merchants to fit in nicely with s

    By LMS


    • 937.1k
    • 3.3m
  • FEATURES Crimes 1. Minor crimes are disabled, lawmen now ignores you commiting minor crimes 2. Wilderness is now completely lawless, you can commit whatever crimes without getting wanted 3. Train robbery is no longer an instant wanted Bounty Hunter 1. Reduced the chance for dogs to accompany bounty hunters 2. U.S Marshall (level 4) and Pinkerton Agent (level 5/max bounty) will now hunt you down once you incurred enough bounty Witness 1. Witness Is now limited to 1. Once you stop the

    By natsutwt


    • 116.5k
    • 365.2k
  • Download here: https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/1088

    By TuffyTown


    • 13.5k
    • 203.2k
  1. Visualsettings.dat changes
    By Eemeli2343
       170   0   0
  2. #2
  3. Less Intense TAA
    By Eemeli2343
       448   0   0
  4. #4
  5. No Deadeye Highlight
    By vStar925
       759   3   0
  6. #6
  7. #7
  8. RemoveReticleSway
    By nbk11231
       3195   0   1
  9. Reworked Valentine
    By Ruskivotka
       3453   4   0
  10. #10
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